An Interesting email of what a brother is trying to do to witness to others before and after the rapture. I told him I would give him a shout out...check out his new APP for your iphone or smartphone:
Pastor Mike,
Thanks for your strong voice in these Last Days. Your sermons are a fresh blessing every time I read them! I have some news that I would like to share with you and your readers. I wrote a smartphone app for the Rapture. A bit of an explanation first...
Late last year I read an article on the RaptureReady site, written by Sandy Howard (Dec 5, 2012). Her article was about leaving a letter behind for her family and friends to read after the Rapture. I wrote her telling her what I had done to my office computer so that if the Rapture happened while I was on vacation last summer, it would sort of 'witness' to my coworkers if they logged onto it. Of course I had witnessed personally in the past, but gotten shut down and mocked. We both agreed that we would still like to be more effective and reach more folks somehow with technology, even if it was after the fact. But I quickly gave up on the idea since I had no clue what to do about the idea...
So... long story made short, on New Year's Eve (end of 2012) I went to take a nap around 6pm before company arrived at 7pm. As I sat on the bed for a brief moment, just as I was about to lay down I heard the Holy Spirit clearly say to me that I was to write an app for the Rapture. I'm not kidding. And I had an amazing 'download' of ideas... Of course I was stunned and struggled for several days with the thought of spending that much time, effort and money.. before the Holy Spirit prodded me into getting started. And it has consumed me since then. The app was actually almost done and loaded on my pastor's smartphone for beta testing by mid-summer 2013, but I was side-swiped by multiple awful events that kept me from being able to finalize things and get it submitted. That finally happened over the Christmas break. It was approved in what I believe was record time.
My app has links to helpful sites, as well as links to Scripture verses. It has search functions that help the user to 'watch'. I must stress that writing an app was the furthest thing from my mind, not having owned a smartphone before this. I'm a robotics technician with many years of graphics design experience. Often my wife and I wondered why I had such a varied (mishmash) career experience. Turns out I used just about everything I had learned over the years to do this.
For such a time as this!
Thanks for listening. Here is the link to my website with more info:
RE. Freedom from Religion?
Dear Mr. Taylor,
This article has stirred some thought in me and to say the least, it scares me!
Freedom from Religion is the root to this country’s downfall but I also feel that the voice of the Majority has been out-shouted by the noisy Minority. We, the Majority are not being heard. Then too, I’m wondering; is there a Majority anymore, that values not only religious freedom but, the love of Jesus as our savior? I have my doubts!
I look at news articles on sites like and sometimes, I read the comments that follow the stories. Too often – in even the most innocuous articles – there are such vile comments that I wonder, what is going on?! I’ve read stories of good things happening and the passing of people and in the comments section, I can find people that tear down the “good” and condemn the departed, for no real reason whatsoever! Needless to say, I now avoid these sections. But the point here is; there doesn’t seem to be a majority of outrage anywhere! Oh I do see some but as soon as someone speaks up, ten others come back and tear them down! Same with our government. We try and vote for the decent politician (I know, an oxymoron!) but what we end up with… well, it’s not people I would vote for! Is it because the apathy has set in so badly with the Majority that they just don’t go out to vote? Hard to tell!
We are watching this country rapidly decline and this coming year may be where it falls completely. Unless our legislative body turns more conservative (Republican), we will continue to see our current president, and his cronies continue to tear down this country. As it is, this countryis beyond the Rubicon. The politicians and diplomats continue to try and demean and degrade Israel in our eyes, and the eyes of the world and as we both know, God doesn’t look too favorably on that! I think this is what has caused the United States to experience much of the natural and weather disasters we’ve had in the last few years. We continue to alienate ourselves from Israel. The U.S. is not helping Israel’s cause, nor our own!
Alas, this may be a rant from a tired old man but the voices we need to hear from are just not there! With the exception of a few that I read in forums like Rapture Ready, the majority may be like me; tired, old, and not a majority as we hoped! Case in point, I’ve got three grandchildren; 13, 12, and 4 and they don’t listen to me or their parents! They may be the examples of what the rest of the younger generation are like and why there are no voices that speak up for God, Israel, or this country! It is at this point all I can hope for now, is the Rapture!
Thank you for letting me bend your ear for a few minutes!
Chris D,
Mesa, AZ
Re: Has it Already Begun?
Hi Mike;
I have read about half of Donna's paper. Seems to me she is very frightened, not knowing that God's timing is not our timing. We may not be perfectly correct in every point of the Word, but we do know and should have the peace of mind that the Word of God is SURE. His Word has never said anything to make me feel that the pre-trib rapture is not correct. I have done many word searches and articles on C. Bondservants.
Donna did not convince of anything, including the thought that Obama is antichrist. Obama did not appear with a sword, for the scripture states that during the 1st 4 seals, approx. 1/3 of earth inhabitants will die. That time has yet to come. In spite of what many say, the first 3.5 years of the Tribulation are not peaceful. There's terrible deaths,famine, evils of all kinds. Yes, we are a wicked generation who has learned to hate God. That's only a runner up of the true thing. Obama hasn't the intelligence to be anitchrist. Even if he were, he would have to delay till God's timing presented itself. Obama is wicked and will be judged for what he has done to our peoples, and believe me...God knows what He is doing.
I have studied (and you too) the Word of God for many years. I haven't yet had any desire to question His Word. That alone makes the best sense to me. From the first Chapter of Revelation, verse 19, where God literally walks John into the pattern for the tribulation.
19 Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter; (Rev. 1:19).
1) The things we have seen are the things John seen while walking on earth; also His vision of Jesus Christ in Rev 1.
2) The things which are; John's description of the Church Age.
3) The things which shall be hereafter...Refers to the Rapture of the Church, Jesus opening the scroll; the elders (church) worshiping the Lord of Glory; and the casting of our crowns at His feet. then, finally, the beginning of the true Tribulation begins with the 7 seal judgments in Chapter 6.
All we have to do is wait on the Lord patiently; continually to love and worship Him and do what He says; that is, to be at peace with all men as much as possible, including "do not fear". The enemy wants God's people confused.
Ignore the enemy, for he has no power over you as long as you walk in His Spirit. Do not allow the fears of others cheat you of your clear victory in Christ Jesus.
Loving you in Christ Jesus
God want us to be comforted by His truth. There's nothing anyone has ever said to disrupt our knowledge in His Word.
Re: Traits of a Leader
In my opinion, there are some that are unredeemable because Satan is so prevalent in their minds and spirits.
Evidence points that this man is a closet Muslim sympathizer, as he was brought up in that environment, and a bi-sexual at best, a homosexual at worst, with a family as a front. I know the man came out of no where ......
I just want to thank you for your article this morning on RaptureReady. I struggle every day (more like every waking moment) with the VERY negative feelings I have for the occupier of the White House, and most of the pseudo “law makers” in both the House and Senate. I do feel there is a small “pocket” of believers in there, who are sincerely trying to do the right thing, but they are so out-numbered, it is like trying to drain the ocean through a drinking straw.
I believe the second high-lighted portion of your article is just the tip of the iceberg. This man is a total puppet for Satan, and the OWG hierarchy that is so obvious in their agenda. Which speaks for the first highlighted portion of your article. While I do hope BO will accept Christ before he dies, I do not believe there is any way that will happen. I think God has described this kind of person as one that He has “given over to a reprobate mind”, and He is no longer having the Holy Spirit convict him of his sins.
So many say “we need to pray for our president and for him to have wisdom and make the right decisions for our country”. I don’t think there is the slightest “snowballs” chance that will ever happen. If I were asked if I pray fervently for his salvation, I would have to admit the answer is no. In my heart I think he is “un-redeemable” at this point. I even have people in my S.S. class who apparently are AVID supporters of BO, and I pray for THEM to understand that to support him is to support the devil and be against God. They are older folks an apparently are “party loyal” from a time when Democrats were a different “breed”, but if people are at all interested in learning the truth about BO, the information is readily available.
All I can “muster” for this man, is that if he lived across the street from me and his house was on fire, I would try to save him. God forgive me if I am supposed to do more.
I have also stopped praying for our country to be “taken back” and returned to our glory days. It isn’t going to happen, and we are wasting out breath and words. There is very little time to even reach , the few who are still “redeemable”. I believe most of those are in foreign countries, where folks are still open to the gospel. Our country, as a nation, is sinking into depravity at warp speed, and the worst part is that it is SO WILLFUL.
Thank you again. It helps me to see I am not totally “off-course” on my views of what is surely a return of Christ – STAT.
Jo H.
Franklin, TN
Re: Silent Scream!
Pastor Mike, I worked Labor and Delivery as a CNA, and would wash the instruments after a delivery. I use to go now and them to the morgue and would see tiny little aborted babies in jars, some really tiny and some a little big!!! It was awful!!!! One time I was cleaning instruments and there was a towel that I thought had dirty instruments in it , inside was an aborted baby, and pastor Mike it still had a pulse!!! RN told me to leave it alone and that it will die!!!! I baptized him and covered it back up, never forget it, I told the nurse that it was murder and all involved in it were responsible!!! She just laughed at me!!! Clara
Ugggh...the depravity of our nation. That RN was a monster...
Pastor Mike
Yes, and I told her, she just laughed! I told her all involved in that surgery room were responsible for that baby's death!!! She said it was not murder, it was aborted! I told her then how come it was alive with all its normal parts!!! She again said for me not to make a big thing about it!!! It's said because that was 10yrs ago, I'm retired and just see how sick our people are getting. I ran a boys home for 42yrs and workers told me not to be against gay, I didn't allow them in my home, I only took boys and workers said that it was normal today!!!I I retired from that last year!!!
In response to "Silent Scream".
Hello Mike.
Whatever judgment this country gets, it deserves.
In 1963 the Supreme Court finished kicking God out of our public schools while "Comfortable Christians" sat back and let it happen.
Ten years later Roe v. Wade was legalized and guess what - the only real protest came from the Roman Catholic Church despite having all kinds of doctrinal problems, but at a level insufficient to turn this evil around. Most of the Protestant World goes along with this outrage.
People were disgusted by Hitler's slaughter of the Jews, and rightly so. But how many of the same people today don't have a problem killing the most helpless among us - the unborn.
I add a prayer every day that those 4000 per day in the U.S. alone, not to mention across the world who have been victimized in this manner have a special place with God in his Kingdom, and I think they probably do.
I'm glad you brought this subject up because it looks like a lot of nominal Christians need exactly such a reminder of this horrible practice.
Well done!
God bless.
P.S. I wonder who the next group will be to be deemed "inconvenient" and subject to legal elimination? Old people, the infirm? If the Lord tarries, expect to see something like this.
Hello Mike.
Whatever judgment this country gets, it deserves.
In 1963 the Supreme Court finished kicking God out of our public schools while "Comfortable Christians" sat back and let it happen.
Ten years later Roe v. Wade was legalized and guess what - the only real protest came from the Roman Catholic Church despite having all kinds of doctrinal problems, but at a level insufficient to turn this evil around. Most of the Protestant World goes along with this outrage.
People were disgusted by Hitler's slaughter of the Jews, and rightly so. But how many of the same people today don't have a problem killing the most helpless among us - the unborn.
I add a prayer every day that those 4000 per day in the U.S. alone, not to mention across the world who have been victimized in this manner have a special place with God in his Kingdom, and I think they probably do.
I'm glad you brought this subject up because it looks like a lot of nominal Christians need exactly such a reminder of this horrible practice.
Well done!
God bless.
P.S. I wonder who the next group will be to be deemed "inconvenient" and subject to legal elimination? Old people, the infirm? If the Lord tarries, expect to see something like this.
Hi Pastor Mike.
After reading your excellent presentation, I read the e-mail that followed and it looked familiar! My memory not being all it should be, I do believe it was one of mine. Thank you for using it. I have been reading your posts, but since my MSNTV provider went out of business, my e-mail access which now resides at is limited to the times the local library is open.
One of the things that also "gets me" is when I hear someone say to the effect that "Jesus was a great teacher, wonderful guy, maybe even a prophet, but as far as him being God's Son, and God incarnate well, I don't believe that."
The thing is, along with all those "wonderful teachings," was Jesus' claim of deity. Seems to me we have only two opposite choices available:
1) Jesus was indeed a wonderful teacher, prophet, AND God's Son, AND God incarnate, and the Bible witnesses were reliable.
2) Jesus was either a nut, liar, or fraud, or the witnesses made up all kinds of strange stories about him, for some reason. Which, of course, would not make him a good guy, good prophet, etc.
In other words, either Jesus is ALL that the Bible says he is, or he is NONE of it.
Here's something to think about: The Muslims deny Jesus' deity based on the representations of a ONE MAN man who lived over six centuries later!!!! What gives Mohammed more reliability than those who either knew Jesus personally, or were associates and acquaintances of those people?
In the like manner, people today do the same thing and decide for themselves which parts of the Bible are "true" and which are "false." Well, what are their parameters, how did they formulate them, and what makes them believe they are valid? And why should WE believe them? Are their credentials better than the writers whose books compose the New Testament?
Not as far as I'm concerned.
Most of organized religion has done this on a large scale and as a result we have "Mother Jesus," homosexual clergy, and the incorporation of pagan ceremonies just in the Episcopal Church alone! Most of protestantism goes along with these sorts of things. Catholicism has always had doctrinal problems and I think this is about to get worse upon hearing the new pope's recent conciliatory statements about homosexuality. The apostate, blind, arrogant church of "New Laodicea" is unfortunately here, alive and well in all of these institutions today.
All of which is yet another indication of how close to the end we really are!
God bless.
reply from Pastor Mike:
Ed, couldn't remember who sent that great email about who our Lord Jesus is and was. But I believe you are right. God bless you, brother for your Holy Spirit inspired insight into the reality that is our Lord Jesus. May others see the Light that came into the world and offers salvation by grace, free for the asking in repentance and following Him for the rest of their lives..
Pastor Mike
Sad email from Mr. Frosty...remember him? Read exchanges in reverse from the bottom of this posting....Your continued prayers for the man are much needed. Pastor Mike
Dear Mike,
You just cannot handle it that I am much too sharp, too wise, too traveled, too over your head, kind of like Einstein and a 1st grader. You of course, are the 1st grader.
Live well,
Frosty W.
sorry, but you blather so much, I can only decipher insanity...stupidity, or self worship...maybe all the above...Ron and I have planted the seed...maybe it won't grow within you. Maybe you are irredeemable, as many are in this world, God loves them, but has abandoned them to their own self will.
Problem is, your definition of SIN, is exactly why 10K children die every year. Why there is so much misery and violence in the world...who is the author of that...? Guess? Satan the devil...The author of evil in this world. He has also blinded you to the truth and that truth will judge you, my friend. I don't condemn you either, but have a burden for you to know my Lord, Jesus Christ. But sadly, with a heart you express, it will only be God that gets through to you. Your condemnation will come, not from Jesus, but from your refusal to except the only payment for your SIN....He is free for the asking, but you must seek Him, want Him, as He will not force Himself upon you. It is your free will and your high opinion of yourself that will cause you to have no answer to the charges brought upon you at the Judgment Seat of God. See you at the Great White Throne Judgment. If you are not found in the Book of Life...I'm sure your screams will haunt me, until God wipes them from my mind all remembrance of them. Don't expect to party in'll have too much to do writhing in pain and gnashing your teeth in agony to have any joy, light, peace, love or any happiness. You don't know in the least what you wish for.....May God have mercy on your pitiful soul.
Pastor Mike
Dear Mike,
First of all, God is not merciful. He/she/it allows the death of 10 million children annually via starvation. God could intervene, but God does nothing year after year. Any conscious God or caring god or merciful god would step up and feed Its children.
True, Jesus could not read or write, thus he was illiterate. I earned two college degrees, wrote a dozen books, traveled all over the planet and gained tremendous understanding by the thousands of books I have read. Intellectually and literarily, Jesus doesn't hold a candlestick to most college graduates these days. He was a poor, illiterate carpenter.
Not stupid people, but less evolved. It takes evolution of intellect to grow and go where I now stand. I simply used Jesus' statement, "You will go forth and do greater acts than I…" Or some such quote.
Personally, I think God's worst mistake was allowing the monkeys/primates to evolve into humans. And, humans' worst mistake was inventing religion and plastics. Both have proved highly destructive down through time. Sexual dysfunction for women, fear of life because you will go to hell, Crusades that killed countless people for their religious beliefs, the racket of priests and their pedophile ways, grabbing money from the poor, espousing endless children to create endless poverty. It all sucks.
Death, you don't know anything about it until you die. You don't know about heaven or hell. Personally, I think that Christianity's "God fearing" concepts are ridiculous. There are 100 other religions that are kinder and don't make a person feel guilty like Christ, Mohammed and other guys like that. Come on, Mike, Original Sin is absurd. Self-indulgent nonsense is what s.i.n. represents. Maybe it's Self Inflicted Nonsense!
I'm not against God. I am a very spiritual being. I attend a "new thought" church every Sunday. . No sin, no shame, no fear, no hell, no myths, no magic, no pope , no thrones, no condemnation. Just common sense lessons for positive living. Listen to a Dr. Roger Teel sermon to get a new understanding for evolved spiritual living.
Also, you quote from a 2,000 year old book that is absolutely out of touch with the 21st century. It doesn't hold any reality for 21st century living. It's a dead book, a dead tribe, a dead leader and a mythical bunch of nonsense.
Again, best to you on your journey. I don't condemn you, worry about you or any of that stuff. Actually, if there was a hell, I'd rather go there because that's where all the parties and dancing happens. I would hate to live on the same heavenly block with Jesus, Bill Graham, Oral Roberts, the Popes, etc. Good God, I would go crazy having to listen to their preaching for eternity.
Life is good,
Frosty W
funny, but a renowned atheist who was a scientist, differs from your analogy. He concluded by just the Law of Thermodynamics that matter becomes more simple and degrades than becomes more complex. It goes against science of out of nothing, something was produced as complex as our world and universe is. So he admitted in an "Intelligent Design". Only problem, he admitted there might be a God, but how do you approach a Holy God? Not by yourself, but through His only Son, Jesus Christ.
You lift yourself up over Jesus Christ? How sad that you believe in yourself and have no need for God. But let's just assume that you are right, and all of us stupid people who believe are wrong. When you and I die, we will be equal. We will be turned to dust and nothing will matter after that. BUT, let's just say that you are wrong (humor me), the Bible is correct and all of us stupid people who believed go out into eternity with you.....know who has lost? You have, Mr. Frosty....Jesus said (you know that guy you say you're smarter than?) In Matthew,
16:26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
If you and I go out into the great unknown world of death, then what have I received for my belief? Everything Holy and Beautiful, for all eternity. And what will you receive, eternity yes, but in torment and loss of your soul to destruction in a place we call, HELL, or the Lake of Fire....
Now you may scoff, and you go ahead, but a betting man sees the odds. If you're a scientist, as you claim, then even a gambler would see the odds on this and say, maybe I better examine these odds. I don't like the odds of the latter, if I'm wrong. And if I'm right, then it doesn't matter....But who is right? Can you say with 100% accuracy and foreknowledge that as a human, you have mastered all thought and logic in this universe? Can you define what is not definable? Can you explain the mysteries of the universe that men only wonder about, even with our great technology? David in Psalms speaks of men just like you:
2:2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,
2:3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
2:4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the LORD shall have them in derision.
2:5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.
But God in His mercy, speaks even unto you, if you will listen. Maybe He has in the past and you rejected that message, and your logic blinded your eyes and stopped your ears, so you rely on yourself...How sad and dangerous, as Jesus said, ( can you prove He is wrong?)
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
That is the simple message of the bible....believe and the universe is your oyster. Believe not, and condemnation will visit you, the moment you die, Mr. Frosty. Don't believe it, then as a gambling man, wait around and see who will be right when you die...can you take that risk?
If you're interested, you can read my readers responses to your stance on God at this URL:
We, the stupid people, cannot fathom how one so "brilliant" can miss this one truth, except to understand that you rely on yourself, and have no need for God. In this life, that may be so, while you are alive. It will be a sorely different process after you are dead!
Praying for you,
Pastor Mike
Dear Mike, Ron,
Indeed, I understand that you believe in that ancient text and I honor that belief. But that is all it is! It fails any test of reality. It's a book of magic, myths and the story of the Jewish people. Hundreds of tribes around the world suffer the same myths from the past. I am simply a highly educated, extraordinarily well traveled man who has come to a greater understanding of God. That character Jesus is no greater than you or any of us. He was just a man with some good ideas about living a decent life.
Guess what? I am just as smart in fact probably own a much higher IQ than Jesus, much more educated, extraordinarily more traveled and twice Jesus' age. Thus, I understand more, know more and have lived twice as long to apply my knowledge. That's why I wrote "A new definition of God in the 21st century." Let's face it, religion is based on fear and the unknown. The Bible created the devil to give no culpability to God for bad things happen. Well, God created everything, so the other face of God is evil. That's the reality.
In the end, when you grow to greater intellect, the old myths fade and reality sets it. I am one of the most fulfilled men, happiest guys you ever want to meet. Just look at my books, articles and speeches. I'm living a fabulous life. I wouldn't change a day. When I die, I am done and back to dust. Fun time that ended after a full life.
No need for Gods, prophets, characters like Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Hindu, Krishna or any of those guys. They figured out their spiritual understandings in their times and I figured out mine in my time. Besides, I am a Scandinavian by tribe, so why would I consider a desert religion by a nutcase who got himself tacked up on a cross? Suicidal or insufferably arrogant in my view. In fact, the whole religion negates the living experience of this life and all Christians can't wait to die to go to heaven. Balderdash!
There is no evidence of any god in the universe. As soon as our sun burns out, humanity will cease to exist and, at that point, God will cease to exist and Jesus will not even be a burp to the universe. We simply created a god or gods to salve our insecurities. Well, I'm not insecure. I am whole, complete, perfect and living a great life. No need to save me and no need to quote the Bible because I don't buy any of it. And, I don't need to charge around trying to make everyone believe in my spiritual path. It's all good my friend. Life your life and I live mine with joy, happiness, fun and adventure.
Frosty W.
Mr. Frosty Wooldridge,
It seems there has been much interest in our exchange, as I posted it on my website. Many people fear for you and are praying for you. Now I have a member who wished to address you personally, and sent me this email...I asked him if I should send it in his name or mine. He asked that I send it in my name. He has been where you are right now...a great testimony of the saving power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I've left it as he sent it, grammar errors and all...these are his thoughts
Pastor Mike
Dear Brother Mike,
Hi, Greetings In The Name Of The Lord Jesus Christ! I have got your naysayer Frosty in a corner now! You see when I got saved no one was around, I only knew you had to believe on The Lord Jesus Christ to get saved, and knew about the devil. I didn't know anything about the Holy Spirit. I only went to church when I was a child and it was only Sunday School. My Mother, Brother, and Sister had nothing to do with God or Church. So when I got saved Mike it was an experiment that was validated after the fact by a scientist who didn't know he was doing one and that the results of the experiment were already documented ( The Bible ). If this is a lost cause to send to him or post don't bother I know his type. God Bless You. TTYL, YBIC, Ron
In rebuttal of your e-mail I take it you believe in science and experiments that are recorded and validated are you not? When I was growing up I went to Sunday School as a child and only learned the following while there: That Jesus Christ was The Son of God and that He died on the cross to save mankind from his sins, that sins are going against what God says "Not to do", and the Devil was the cause of mankind's situation and the father of evil. My mother did not believe in God. Her god was in a bottle when I was growing up and her church was a bar. My brothers and sisters did not go to church either just me.
I drank and smoked at 8 years of age ( 2 packs a day by 11 years old ) I had a mouth that would have shamed a sailor every other word I said was ( at 8 years old! ) F... This, F... That, G.D., and J.C., or sh.. I stole, I had sex at age 13 regularly with multiple girls. I always believed in God, but one day I would find out that wasn't enough. I would talk about God every now and then. As both a child and as an adult I am into science in almost every aspect of it, Astronomy, Physics, DNA, you name it I find all of it interesting. As a teenager I used to do all sorts of experiments, all of which provided the steps and the end result. When I used to do these experiments I knew the procedure and the end result before I performed the experiment. Guess what I did one day, I unknowingly accomplished an experiment. The experiment was to my Spirit and I didn't know that there would be any expected end result and that it would be eternal. It started one day when I was talking to a preacher who had left the service to be open to discussion instead of a sermon. I was 30 years old at the time and finally would have my question answered: "If God was perfect why did He create an imperfect being like Satan?" The preacher said to me "He didn't" Lucifer was perfect from the beginning and became Satan the Devil after his pride lifted up his heart to rebel against God and fell into imperfection by sinning against God. Satan had free will to choose good or evil, and at that moment he chose evil."
At that moment I said within myself and I knew "God is perfect I believe everything the Bible says!!!!" If the words at that moment had truly possessed any physical force I would have been knocked thru the wall in my chair by them! I left the room and felt this warm pleasant sensation in my stomach area and I kept rolling it over and over again in my mind "how perfect God was and is!!!" So later that night at my bedside as though I had spent my whole life practicing it I got on my hands and knees and Prayed: God I believe Your Son Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and that I am a sinner and please forgive me of my sins this I pray in Jesus Christ's Name amen! At that moment the sensation that was just confined to my Abdomen swept thru my entire body and I KNEW THAT I KNEW GOD AT THAT MOMENT! When I was a child I used to read Revelation and I was scared to death of facing the things contained in it, now that I knew God that fear was gone. My mind used to be an echo chamber of thoughts and sounds and what not, now that I knew God my mind was now calm, serene and peaceful beyond belief. I was always stressed out, and now that I knew God the stresses were gone. My stress was so bad I had constant diarrhea, now that I knew God I had normal bowel movements. I was no longer afraid of dying, I finally had real love and concern in my heart for others. I have had 2 encounters with evil spirits and they were subject to my authority because I knew Christ. I never knew there was a Holy Spirit and He is a person, but that is who it was that came to reside with me the day I got saved. I didn't even know what I was until I read the Bible and found out I was saved. Saved from what you say? Saved from Hell! All these wonderful things that happened to me the day I got saved were verified by what the Bible says a Person born of the Spirit will be. Especially the fruit of the Spirit to wit what The Bible says: Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Before I knew Jesus I was the opposite of all these qualities! For the first time in my life I felt whole and good about myself and life. Everything that happened to me the Bible had stated these things come to the person who places their faith in Jesus Christ, I had no prior knowledge of the things that they said would happen to me. But when I picked up a Bible and started reading I was able to say this happened to me and that and this, e.t.c. The biggest singlest most important thing after I got saved was my very first unselfish act of prayer and here is how it went down:We were headed to an AA meeting one night right after I got saved. We found that the train backed up the traffic, and I wondered in my mind; "I wonder if the train is just stopped or accident has happened with it?" Just then I saw the blue flashing lights in the rear view mirror and knew it was an accident. I then prayed my first real prayer and without thinking about my old selfish self. I prayed; "Lord please let whoever got hurt be all right, and whoever caused the accident to forgive them and ease their guilt." The next morning we were in the middle of the hospital and I said to one of the individuals from the ward that read about the accident in the paper, "I didn’t know it was an accident until I saw the lights in my rear view mirror." Out of nowhere this guy appears and says; "I was the police officer in that car that you saw and the kid who got hit is a big troublemaker, and I wished he had died!" I then realized my prayer was insufficient, because I now had to pray for a man who thought a mere troublemaker should die. This kid come to find out was thrown 212 feet from the train hitting him! The Marine at the gate to the base who performed emergency treatment until help arrived was a graduate of the ARS ward where I was at in the hospital!
The kid who got hit lived, praise God. I often wondered after that what had happened to him. Well
About 1 year after the accident my son Joshua developed a 105-degree fever. I took him to the emergency room at the naval hospital. While I was sitting in the waiting room one nurse says to another across the room; "Remember the boy that was hit by the train?" the other responded; "Yeah, how is he doing?" she said; "He’s fine, he has a prosthetic leg and doing fine!" My son came out of the room where they had taken him to try and draw his blood, and the attending nurse said; "I can’t explain it, but his temp went from 105 to 98.6, he’s fine!
That is when I realized that God merely got me there to hear what had happened to the man who was my first prayer as a Christian. When we care God does too. The Truth is there if you really want to know it, the Bible has it all laid out. The only reason someone won't try to find out or hear the Truth and accept it is because they don't want to give up their sin. If the issue is the lack of belief and faith if you "Truly" want to know God will help you there to wit:
Mark 9:24 And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.
God will help us believe if we truly want to know the "Truth".
What my experience over 24 years have shown almost 99% of the time is...
People who claim if you can prove it to them they will accept whatever it takes to Truly believe in God.
However when the Scripture of Mark 9:24 is mentioned that is when they back paddle on their decision, and it is because they now know God will help them to believe, and the truth is they never really wanted to believe in the first place and now they truly realize God will provide them with a way to overcome their unbelief. Thus it is something they don't want because it is the Scripture that no longer allows them to hide behind unbelief and to stay in their sins.
No matter what "Frosty" God will help your unbelief if you "Really" want to know He exists and you want to go to Heaven. However don't stand there claiming you know God "Doesn't Exist" when you have never formally introduced to Him.
God doesn't "Know" any sinners. Just as a Husband and Wife "become one" when they have marital relations. What I am primarily talking about there is the "Union of their Spirits." So to does Christ create a Union with our Spirits when we "invite Him" into our hearts, and thus we are "Known to Christ" or "Known by Christ".
And again I say "Christ Knows No Sinners"
Just remember it is not your sins which send you to hell, it is your decision about Jesus Christ. God gave us the way out and it is your choice not His
Hey Pastor Mike,
Just read your article on the timing of the rapture. It was a well written and logical piece, thank you! I have ways believed in a pre-trib rapture (since learning about the rapture), and I sometimes wonder if I have that right. I continue to study, and I'm more convinced that we will be raptured prior to the beginning of the tribulation. I was studying today and came across Rev 22:17. In the NLT version, it says "the Spirit and the bride say "Come". Let anyone who hears say "Come".
That, to me, seems to signify that the bride is a specific set of people who are singled out, separated, divided out, every you want to word it....from another group of people, and they are inviting anyone to join them. Who are they inviting? If the rapture occurred post-trib, judgement would be decided, and there would be no one to invite to "Come"....yes? Your thoughts?
Also, I have read several blogs from people who say they are receiving messages from The Lord about a coming 3 days of darkness as a final opportunity to accept Christ before he takes his bride. There is no biblical evidence for this event....your thoughts on that? I know The Lord told Moses 7 days before the rains arrived, but I think he had already made a determination of who would be saved at that point. That isn't really the same as an attention getting last chance though. Thanks for your time....God bless!
thanks for the great insight of that scripture in Revelation. It really never occurred to me what you just spoke of. It stands to reason that the bride is calling some other people to join her. We are the Bride of Christ, and if she is calling someone outside of her, then she is calling other people, so the Bride would have to be removed prior to the tribulation to be able to call those in this horrible time to join her. If we believed the Post Trib position, this would be impossible. Just another reason to believe that we are correct in our belief of a Pre-Trib removal of the bride from the earth.
On the other part of a warning before the coming of our Lord for the Church, it might be something that He might reveal to His people in some miraculous way. Darkness over the earth would be something miraculous. It could be a signal, and I have read the possibility of this event given to people in visions. We will stay watchful and pray it to be so. Time will tell...God bless,
Pastor Mike
RE: The Bible is Foolishness?I was blessed that you took time for your heart to answer this lost man. He truly lives in the vanity of his mind.I have three sisters who live in this same world to one degree or another, all blind to the truth of their creator and
of His love that casts out all fear. Once we have met Jesus and received Him as Lord and Savior by faith and have
been indwelled by His Spirit we know that what this man believes is truly foolishness. My heart goes out to him
also and will be praying for him to receive the light from above as I do for my sisters daily. They think they have
no need of the righteousness that is in Jesus Christ nor of the provision God has sent to all of us who have fallen
short of His Glory and sinless perfection. I just cannot understand how they account for all of the evil we all see
in this world. God has provided us all with a conscience and the ability to know right from wrong.
The Lord Bless You Mike and keep up the good work, Your sister in the service of the Lord, Charlon W
To God be all the glory, if anything I did reaches this man. By the Holy Spirit of God I pray that a seed has been planted for this man's future salvation and the opening of his blind eyes. God bless,
Pastor Mike
Hi Pastor Mike.
After reading your excellent presentation, I read the e-mail that followed and it looked familiar! My memory not being all it should be, I do believe it was one of mine. Thank you for using it. I have been reading your posts, but since my MSNTV provider went out of business, my e-mail access which now resides at is limited to the times the local library is open.
One of the things that also "gets me" is when I hear someone say to the effect that "Jesus was a great teacher, wonderful guy, maybe even a prophet, but as far as him being God's Son, and God incarnate well, I don't believe that."
The thing is, along with all those "wonderful teachings," was Jesus' claim of deity. Seems to me we have only two opposite choices available:
1) Jesus was indeed a wonderful teacher, prophet, AND God's Son, AND God incarnate, and the Bible witnesses were reliable.
2) Jesus was either a nut, liar, or fraud, or the witnesses made up all kinds of strange stories about him, for some reason. Which, of course, would not make him a good guy, good prophet, etc.
In other words, either Jesus is ALL that the Bible says he is, or he is NONE of it.
Here's something to think about: The Muslims deny Jesus' deity based on the representations of a ONE MAN man who lived over six centuries later!!!! What gives Mohammed more reliability than those who either knew Jesus personally, or were associates and acquaintances of those people?
In the like manner, people today do the same thing and decide for themselves which parts of the Bible are "true" and which are "false." Well, what are their parameters, how did they formulate them, and what makes them believe they are valid? And why should WE believe them? Are their credentials better than the writers whose books compose the New Testament?
Not as far as I'm concerned.
Most of organized religion has done this on a large scale and as a result we have "Mother Jesus," homosexual clergy, and the incorporation of pagan ceremonies just in the Episcopal Church alone! Most of protestantism goes along with these sorts of things. Catholicism has always had doctrinal problems and I think this is about to get worse upon hearing the new pope's recent conciliatory statements about homosexuality. The apostate, blind, arrogant church of "New Laodicea" is unfortunately here, alive and well in all of these institutions today.
All of which is yet another indication of how close to the end we really are!
God bless.
reply from Pastor Mike:
Ed, couldn't remember who sent that great email about who our Lord Jesus is and was. But I believe you are right. God bless you, brother for your Holy Spirit inspired insight into the reality that is our Lord Jesus. May others see the Light that came into the world and offers salvation by grace, free for the asking in repentance and following Him for the rest of their lives..
Pastor Mike
Sad email from Mr. Frosty...remember him? Read exchanges in reverse from the bottom of this posting....Your continued prayers for the man are much needed. Pastor Mike
Dear Mike,
You just cannot handle it that I am much too sharp, too wise, too traveled, too over your head, kind of like Einstein and a 1st grader. You of course, are the 1st grader.
Live well,
Frosty W.
sorry, but you blather so much, I can only decipher insanity...stupidity, or self worship...maybe all the above...Ron and I have planted the seed...maybe it won't grow within you. Maybe you are irredeemable, as many are in this world, God loves them, but has abandoned them to their own self will.
Problem is, your definition of SIN, is exactly why 10K children die every year. Why there is so much misery and violence in the world...who is the author of that...? Guess? Satan the devil...The author of evil in this world. He has also blinded you to the truth and that truth will judge you, my friend. I don't condemn you either, but have a burden for you to know my Lord, Jesus Christ. But sadly, with a heart you express, it will only be God that gets through to you. Your condemnation will come, not from Jesus, but from your refusal to except the only payment for your SIN....He is free for the asking, but you must seek Him, want Him, as He will not force Himself upon you. It is your free will and your high opinion of yourself that will cause you to have no answer to the charges brought upon you at the Judgment Seat of God. See you at the Great White Throne Judgment. If you are not found in the Book of Life...I'm sure your screams will haunt me, until God wipes them from my mind all remembrance of them. Don't expect to party in'll have too much to do writhing in pain and gnashing your teeth in agony to have any joy, light, peace, love or any happiness. You don't know in the least what you wish for.....May God have mercy on your pitiful soul.
Pastor Mike
Dear Mike,
First of all, God is not merciful. He/she/it allows the death of 10 million children annually via starvation. God could intervene, but God does nothing year after year. Any conscious God or caring god or merciful god would step up and feed Its children.
True, Jesus could not read or write, thus he was illiterate. I earned two college degrees, wrote a dozen books, traveled all over the planet and gained tremendous understanding by the thousands of books I have read. Intellectually and literarily, Jesus doesn't hold a candlestick to most college graduates these days. He was a poor, illiterate carpenter.
Not stupid people, but less evolved. It takes evolution of intellect to grow and go where I now stand. I simply used Jesus' statement, "You will go forth and do greater acts than I…" Or some such quote.
Personally, I think God's worst mistake was allowing the monkeys/primates to evolve into humans. And, humans' worst mistake was inventing religion and plastics. Both have proved highly destructive down through time. Sexual dysfunction for women, fear of life because you will go to hell, Crusades that killed countless people for their religious beliefs, the racket of priests and their pedophile ways, grabbing money from the poor, espousing endless children to create endless poverty. It all sucks.
Death, you don't know anything about it until you die. You don't know about heaven or hell. Personally, I think that Christianity's "God fearing" concepts are ridiculous. There are 100 other religions that are kinder and don't make a person feel guilty like Christ, Mohammed and other guys like that. Come on, Mike, Original Sin is absurd. Self-indulgent nonsense is what s.i.n. represents. Maybe it's Self Inflicted Nonsense!
I'm not against God. I am a very spiritual being. I attend a "new thought" church every Sunday. . No sin, no shame, no fear, no hell, no myths, no magic, no pope , no thrones, no condemnation. Just common sense lessons for positive living. Listen to a Dr. Roger Teel sermon to get a new understanding for evolved spiritual living.
Also, you quote from a 2,000 year old book that is absolutely out of touch with the 21st century. It doesn't hold any reality for 21st century living. It's a dead book, a dead tribe, a dead leader and a mythical bunch of nonsense.
Again, best to you on your journey. I don't condemn you, worry about you or any of that stuff. Actually, if there was a hell, I'd rather go there because that's where all the parties and dancing happens. I would hate to live on the same heavenly block with Jesus, Bill Graham, Oral Roberts, the Popes, etc. Good God, I would go crazy having to listen to their preaching for eternity.
Life is good,
Frosty W
funny, but a renowned atheist who was a scientist, differs from your analogy. He concluded by just the Law of Thermodynamics that matter becomes more simple and degrades than becomes more complex. It goes against science of out of nothing, something was produced as complex as our world and universe is. So he admitted in an "Intelligent Design". Only problem, he admitted there might be a God, but how do you approach a Holy God? Not by yourself, but through His only Son, Jesus Christ.
You lift yourself up over Jesus Christ? How sad that you believe in yourself and have no need for God. But let's just assume that you are right, and all of us stupid people who believe are wrong. When you and I die, we will be equal. We will be turned to dust and nothing will matter after that. BUT, let's just say that you are wrong (humor me), the Bible is correct and all of us stupid people who believed go out into eternity with you.....know who has lost? You have, Mr. Frosty....Jesus said (you know that guy you say you're smarter than?) In Matthew,
16:26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
If you and I go out into the great unknown world of death, then what have I received for my belief? Everything Holy and Beautiful, for all eternity. And what will you receive, eternity yes, but in torment and loss of your soul to destruction in a place we call, HELL, or the Lake of Fire....
Now you may scoff, and you go ahead, but a betting man sees the odds. If you're a scientist, as you claim, then even a gambler would see the odds on this and say, maybe I better examine these odds. I don't like the odds of the latter, if I'm wrong. And if I'm right, then it doesn't matter....But who is right? Can you say with 100% accuracy and foreknowledge that as a human, you have mastered all thought and logic in this universe? Can you define what is not definable? Can you explain the mysteries of the universe that men only wonder about, even with our great technology? David in Psalms speaks of men just like you:
2:2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,
2:3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
2:4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the LORD shall have them in derision.
2:5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.
But God in His mercy, speaks even unto you, if you will listen. Maybe He has in the past and you rejected that message, and your logic blinded your eyes and stopped your ears, so you rely on yourself...How sad and dangerous, as Jesus said, ( can you prove He is wrong?)
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
That is the simple message of the bible....believe and the universe is your oyster. Believe not, and condemnation will visit you, the moment you die, Mr. Frosty. Don't believe it, then as a gambling man, wait around and see who will be right when you die...can you take that risk?
If you're interested, you can read my readers responses to your stance on God at this URL:
We, the stupid people, cannot fathom how one so "brilliant" can miss this one truth, except to understand that you rely on yourself, and have no need for God. In this life, that may be so, while you are alive. It will be a sorely different process after you are dead!
Praying for you,
Pastor Mike
Dear Mike, Ron,
Indeed, I understand that you believe in that ancient text and I honor that belief. But that is all it is! It fails any test of reality. It's a book of magic, myths and the story of the Jewish people. Hundreds of tribes around the world suffer the same myths from the past. I am simply a highly educated, extraordinarily well traveled man who has come to a greater understanding of God. That character Jesus is no greater than you or any of us. He was just a man with some good ideas about living a decent life.
Guess what? I am just as smart in fact probably own a much higher IQ than Jesus, much more educated, extraordinarily more traveled and twice Jesus' age. Thus, I understand more, know more and have lived twice as long to apply my knowledge. That's why I wrote "A new definition of God in the 21st century." Let's face it, religion is based on fear and the unknown. The Bible created the devil to give no culpability to God for bad things happen. Well, God created everything, so the other face of God is evil. That's the reality.
In the end, when you grow to greater intellect, the old myths fade and reality sets it. I am one of the most fulfilled men, happiest guys you ever want to meet. Just look at my books, articles and speeches. I'm living a fabulous life. I wouldn't change a day. When I die, I am done and back to dust. Fun time that ended after a full life.
No need for Gods, prophets, characters like Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Hindu, Krishna or any of those guys. They figured out their spiritual understandings in their times and I figured out mine in my time. Besides, I am a Scandinavian by tribe, so why would I consider a desert religion by a nutcase who got himself tacked up on a cross? Suicidal or insufferably arrogant in my view. In fact, the whole religion negates the living experience of this life and all Christians can't wait to die to go to heaven. Balderdash!
There is no evidence of any god in the universe. As soon as our sun burns out, humanity will cease to exist and, at that point, God will cease to exist and Jesus will not even be a burp to the universe. We simply created a god or gods to salve our insecurities. Well, I'm not insecure. I am whole, complete, perfect and living a great life. No need to save me and no need to quote the Bible because I don't buy any of it. And, I don't need to charge around trying to make everyone believe in my spiritual path. It's all good my friend. Life your life and I live mine with joy, happiness, fun and adventure.
Frosty W.
Mr. Frosty Wooldridge,
It seems there has been much interest in our exchange, as I posted it on my website. Many people fear for you and are praying for you. Now I have a member who wished to address you personally, and sent me this email...I asked him if I should send it in his name or mine. He asked that I send it in my name. He has been where you are right now...a great testimony of the saving power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I've left it as he sent it, grammar errors and all...these are his thoughts
Pastor Mike
Dear Brother Mike,
Hi, Greetings In The Name Of The Lord Jesus Christ! I have got your naysayer Frosty in a corner now! You see when I got saved no one was around, I only knew you had to believe on The Lord Jesus Christ to get saved, and knew about the devil. I didn't know anything about the Holy Spirit. I only went to church when I was a child and it was only Sunday School. My Mother, Brother, and Sister had nothing to do with God or Church. So when I got saved Mike it was an experiment that was validated after the fact by a scientist who didn't know he was doing one and that the results of the experiment were already documented ( The Bible ). If this is a lost cause to send to him or post don't bother I know his type. God Bless You. TTYL, YBIC, Ron
In rebuttal of your e-mail I take it you believe in science and experiments that are recorded and validated are you not? When I was growing up I went to Sunday School as a child and only learned the following while there: That Jesus Christ was The Son of God and that He died on the cross to save mankind from his sins, that sins are going against what God says "Not to do", and the Devil was the cause of mankind's situation and the father of evil. My mother did not believe in God. Her god was in a bottle when I was growing up and her church was a bar. My brothers and sisters did not go to church either just me.
I drank and smoked at 8 years of age ( 2 packs a day by 11 years old ) I had a mouth that would have shamed a sailor every other word I said was ( at 8 years old! ) F... This, F... That, G.D., and J.C., or sh.. I stole, I had sex at age 13 regularly with multiple girls. I always believed in God, but one day I would find out that wasn't enough. I would talk about God every now and then. As both a child and as an adult I am into science in almost every aspect of it, Astronomy, Physics, DNA, you name it I find all of it interesting. As a teenager I used to do all sorts of experiments, all of which provided the steps and the end result. When I used to do these experiments I knew the procedure and the end result before I performed the experiment. Guess what I did one day, I unknowingly accomplished an experiment. The experiment was to my Spirit and I didn't know that there would be any expected end result and that it would be eternal. It started one day when I was talking to a preacher who had left the service to be open to discussion instead of a sermon. I was 30 years old at the time and finally would have my question answered: "If God was perfect why did He create an imperfect being like Satan?" The preacher said to me "He didn't" Lucifer was perfect from the beginning and became Satan the Devil after his pride lifted up his heart to rebel against God and fell into imperfection by sinning against God. Satan had free will to choose good or evil, and at that moment he chose evil."
At that moment I said within myself and I knew "God is perfect I believe everything the Bible says!!!!" If the words at that moment had truly possessed any physical force I would have been knocked thru the wall in my chair by them! I left the room and felt this warm pleasant sensation in my stomach area and I kept rolling it over and over again in my mind "how perfect God was and is!!!" So later that night at my bedside as though I had spent my whole life practicing it I got on my hands and knees and Prayed: God I believe Your Son Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and that I am a sinner and please forgive me of my sins this I pray in Jesus Christ's Name amen! At that moment the sensation that was just confined to my Abdomen swept thru my entire body and I KNEW THAT I KNEW GOD AT THAT MOMENT! When I was a child I used to read Revelation and I was scared to death of facing the things contained in it, now that I knew God that fear was gone. My mind used to be an echo chamber of thoughts and sounds and what not, now that I knew God my mind was now calm, serene and peaceful beyond belief. I was always stressed out, and now that I knew God the stresses were gone. My stress was so bad I had constant diarrhea, now that I knew God I had normal bowel movements. I was no longer afraid of dying, I finally had real love and concern in my heart for others. I have had 2 encounters with evil spirits and they were subject to my authority because I knew Christ. I never knew there was a Holy Spirit and He is a person, but that is who it was that came to reside with me the day I got saved. I didn't even know what I was until I read the Bible and found out I was saved. Saved from what you say? Saved from Hell! All these wonderful things that happened to me the day I got saved were verified by what the Bible says a Person born of the Spirit will be. Especially the fruit of the Spirit to wit what The Bible says: Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Before I knew Jesus I was the opposite of all these qualities! For the first time in my life I felt whole and good about myself and life. Everything that happened to me the Bible had stated these things come to the person who places their faith in Jesus Christ, I had no prior knowledge of the things that they said would happen to me. But when I picked up a Bible and started reading I was able to say this happened to me and that and this, e.t.c. The biggest singlest most important thing after I got saved was my very first unselfish act of prayer and here is how it went down:We were headed to an AA meeting one night right after I got saved. We found that the train backed up the traffic, and I wondered in my mind; "I wonder if the train is just stopped or accident has happened with it?" Just then I saw the blue flashing lights in the rear view mirror and knew it was an accident. I then prayed my first real prayer and without thinking about my old selfish self. I prayed; "Lord please let whoever got hurt be all right, and whoever caused the accident to forgive them and ease their guilt." The next morning we were in the middle of the hospital and I said to one of the individuals from the ward that read about the accident in the paper, "I didn’t know it was an accident until I saw the lights in my rear view mirror." Out of nowhere this guy appears and says; "I was the police officer in that car that you saw and the kid who got hit is a big troublemaker, and I wished he had died!" I then realized my prayer was insufficient, because I now had to pray for a man who thought a mere troublemaker should die. This kid come to find out was thrown 212 feet from the train hitting him! The Marine at the gate to the base who performed emergency treatment until help arrived was a graduate of the ARS ward where I was at in the hospital!
The kid who got hit lived, praise God. I often wondered after that what had happened to him. Well
About 1 year after the accident my son Joshua developed a 105-degree fever. I took him to the emergency room at the naval hospital. While I was sitting in the waiting room one nurse says to another across the room; "Remember the boy that was hit by the train?" the other responded; "Yeah, how is he doing?" she said; "He’s fine, he has a prosthetic leg and doing fine!" My son came out of the room where they had taken him to try and draw his blood, and the attending nurse said; "I can’t explain it, but his temp went from 105 to 98.6, he’s fine!
That is when I realized that God merely got me there to hear what had happened to the man who was my first prayer as a Christian. When we care God does too. The Truth is there if you really want to know it, the Bible has it all laid out. The only reason someone won't try to find out or hear the Truth and accept it is because they don't want to give up their sin. If the issue is the lack of belief and faith if you "Truly" want to know God will help you there to wit:
Mark 9:24 And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.
God will help us believe if we truly want to know the "Truth".
What my experience over 24 years have shown almost 99% of the time is...
People who claim if you can prove it to them they will accept whatever it takes to Truly believe in God.
However when the Scripture of Mark 9:24 is mentioned that is when they back paddle on their decision, and it is because they now know God will help them to believe, and the truth is they never really wanted to believe in the first place and now they truly realize God will provide them with a way to overcome their unbelief. Thus it is something they don't want because it is the Scripture that no longer allows them to hide behind unbelief and to stay in their sins.
No matter what "Frosty" God will help your unbelief if you "Really" want to know He exists and you want to go to Heaven. However don't stand there claiming you know God "Doesn't Exist" when you have never formally introduced to Him.
God doesn't "Know" any sinners. Just as a Husband and Wife "become one" when they have marital relations. What I am primarily talking about there is the "Union of their Spirits." So to does Christ create a Union with our Spirits when we "invite Him" into our hearts, and thus we are "Known to Christ" or "Known by Christ".
And again I say "Christ Knows No Sinners"
Just remember it is not your sins which send you to hell, it is your decision about Jesus Christ. God gave us the way out and it is your choice not His
Hey Pastor Mike,
Just read your article on the timing of the rapture. It was a well written and logical piece, thank you! I have ways believed in a pre-trib rapture (since learning about the rapture), and I sometimes wonder if I have that right. I continue to study, and I'm more convinced that we will be raptured prior to the beginning of the tribulation. I was studying today and came across Rev 22:17. In the NLT version, it says "the Spirit and the bride say "Come". Let anyone who hears say "Come".
That, to me, seems to signify that the bride is a specific set of people who are singled out, separated, divided out, every you want to word it....from another group of people, and they are inviting anyone to join them. Who are they inviting? If the rapture occurred post-trib, judgement would be decided, and there would be no one to invite to "Come"....yes? Your thoughts?
Also, I have read several blogs from people who say they are receiving messages from The Lord about a coming 3 days of darkness as a final opportunity to accept Christ before he takes his bride. There is no biblical evidence for this event....your thoughts on that? I know The Lord told Moses 7 days before the rains arrived, but I think he had already made a determination of who would be saved at that point. That isn't really the same as an attention getting last chance though. Thanks for your time....God bless!
thanks for the great insight of that scripture in Revelation. It really never occurred to me what you just spoke of. It stands to reason that the bride is calling some other people to join her. We are the Bride of Christ, and if she is calling someone outside of her, then she is calling other people, so the Bride would have to be removed prior to the tribulation to be able to call those in this horrible time to join her. If we believed the Post Trib position, this would be impossible. Just another reason to believe that we are correct in our belief of a Pre-Trib removal of the bride from the earth.
On the other part of a warning before the coming of our Lord for the Church, it might be something that He might reveal to His people in some miraculous way. Darkness over the earth would be something miraculous. It could be a signal, and I have read the possibility of this event given to people in visions. We will stay watchful and pray it to be so. Time will tell...God bless,
Pastor Mike
RE: The Bible is Foolishness?I was blessed that you took time for your heart to answer this lost man. He truly lives in the vanity of his mind.I have three sisters who live in this same world to one degree or another, all blind to the truth of their creator and
of His love that casts out all fear. Once we have met Jesus and received Him as Lord and Savior by faith and have
been indwelled by His Spirit we know that what this man believes is truly foolishness. My heart goes out to him
also and will be praying for him to receive the light from above as I do for my sisters daily. They think they have
no need of the righteousness that is in Jesus Christ nor of the provision God has sent to all of us who have fallen
short of His Glory and sinless perfection. I just cannot understand how they account for all of the evil we all see
in this world. God has provided us all with a conscience and the ability to know right from wrong.
The Lord Bless You Mike and keep up the good work, Your sister in the service of the Lord, Charlon W
To God be all the glory, if anything I did reaches this man. By the Holy Spirit of God I pray that a seed has been planted for this man's future salvation and the opening of his blind eyes. God bless,
Pastor Mike
Dear Pastor Taylor:
You asked for some feedback. I’d like your feedback on my “New definition of God in the 21stCentury”. First of all, I attend church every Sunday. I also am very well educated and traveled. I created this new definition of God in the 21st century because your definition based on a 2,000 year old book by a persecuted Jewish people living in the desert ran out of date and out of relevance decades ago. It no longer applies to the 21st century. And for sure, as my “new definition” states, we no longer have to fear God or the unknown or the devil because we know more, understand more and appreciate that God is not some old gray bearded man on a chair up in “heaven”. God works through us, expresses through us and lives through us. Thus, we are all “Gods” in our own expression. I think you’ll find this essay compelling beyond anything you have ever read. Besides, all religions were created by men to deal with the “futility” of life and fear of the unknown. That no longer holds true. Life and light, Frosty W. , Golden, CO
A new definition of God for the 21st century
By Frosty W.
Who is God? What is God? Where did God originate? How did God invent Itself? Is God two-gendered? Is God a gray-haired old man with a silver beard sitting on a throne? Is God a beautiful woman in a flowing gown standing on a pedestal? Does God think? Is God self-aware?
Why is God almost always referred to as a male? Since God created male and female genders, does that illustrate God’s male and femaleness? Should God be feared or worshipped? Why?
Does God rule the universe with kindness or cruelty? Love or hate? Compassion or disdain? Does God care about every individual life on this planet whether it be an animal or human being? Is the Universe out of God’s control?
Why is God called “The Great Spirit” by some and “The Father” by others and “Yahweh” by still others and “Allah” by others? Still others call it the great “I am!”
After a lifetime of searching around the planet and investigating dozens of major religions, and reading the Bible, some parts of the Koran, some of Buddha, Confucius, Hinduism and other religious tomes—I submit a new definition of God for the 21st century. What have I come up with in the 21st century about the definition of God?
At some point in the evolution of Homo sapiens, meaning “clever apes”, we formed groups, that formed communities, which formed cities. Unlike all the other animals that never thought about the concept of a “God or Creator”, we humans evolved and transformed our minds into cognitive thinking intellects. We arrived at “self-awareness” and speech. We humans are animals that think, but we are still animals.
Once we gained speech and self-awareness, we discovered fear, love and a myriad of emotions. We learned to fear the unknown such as lightning, earthquakes, death, eclipses of the moon and other natural phenomena.
From our fears, we followed leaders who led us to safety. Somewhere along the evolutionary path, we created gods such as the Greeks, Romans and Australian aborigines with their “Dreamland.” Other primitive cultures like the Vikings created the Norse gods. We humans created religions to deal with our futilities and our fear of the unknown.
In fact, over 100 major religions and gods dominate the minds of 7.1 billion human beings on this planet. It’s my contention that every single one of the 7.1 billion humans possesses a different “take” on the definition of God.
Many religions teach their adherents to “fear” God such as Christians and Muslims. Some religions condemn their adherents as sinners from the day they burst into this life such as “Original sin” by Christians.
Other religions preach that God’s wrath may visit you on any day such as Muslims. Their God is a male and he is wrathful, mean and vengeful. Some religions sacrificed virgins to appease their gods. In ancient texts, prophets like Jesus and Mohammed “spoke” to God or “listened” to him speak to them. God spoke to Moses via the “burning bush.”
When something goes well, we say, “Thank God for saving my little girl.” If something goes badly and thousands die, we say, “God works in mysterious ways or the devil caused all those bad things to happen.”
We exculpate God from being the “bad guy.” In reality, if God created everything, God features two faces, but we cannot bring ourselves to deal with that reality. Example: 10 million human children starve to death annually. If God showed compassion or concern, God could feed them with one swish of God’s magic wand because God created the universe. But since God fails to act, it becomes somebody else’s fault such as the devil or bad people or a dozen other excuses.
In the end, no one really knows anything about God. Essentially, we are the only animal to ever create a “god” to support our existence.
God’s existence cannot be proven or disproven. It’s a metaphysical question with an unknown answer. It’s pure speculation based on myths, ancient conjectures and emotional bias. While books like the Bible and Koran pretend to know what God means, their writers created those books in a time of illiteracy, fear and ignorance of science, logic, biology, math and enlightened thinking.
Today, we no longer fear eclipses, lightning, diseases or other natural phenomena like the Northern Lights. We know what causes them and how to deal with them.
Educated humans no longer “fear” God or any other creative process. Today, we move toward greater understanding of ourselves and our origins through anthropology, science and zoology.
Thus, I propose a more equitable, reasoned and enlightened understanding of God in the 21st century. Buckle your seatbelts for an amazing ride into the creative realm of the new definition of God for all of modern times.
New definition of God in the 21st century
Remember when Galileo defied the Pope by proving that the sun did not revolve around the Earth, but the Earth revolved around the sun? The Pope cried out, “That’s wrong! I am the final authority. The Earth is the center of the universe and the sun revolves around the Earth. I am the Pope and God’s mouthpiece on Earth.”
Today, we all know how that turned out!
In the 21st century, God might be seen as “The emerging creative energy of the universe.” This energy moves throughout the cosmos. It creates and destroys in a never ending cycle throughout eternity. It may move slowly as in millions of years of evolution to create one-celled animals all the way up to a whale. It may continue with the intellect of human beings on a habitable planet for carbon-based life-forms such as we see on Earth. Or, it can destroy an entire galaxy when a star explodes or implodes.
The “emerging creative energy of the universe” aligns with creative process to create life and non-life. Since we humans enjoy “intelligence”, it is possible that “it” contains “intelligence” within itself and expresses that intelligence through us humans. Or, it might express its intelligence through other life-forms in the universe. You could call it “The Great Spirit” or “God” or “Zelda” or “Divine Spirit” or another 1,000 names that we humans have given it. It offers the yin-yang of two sexes of animals on this planet. Or, it offers no sexual orientation such as rocks and water.
It runs through you and it runs through me. It runs through plants and other creatures. It doesn’t feature evil or righteousness or good or bad or fear. Heaven and hell do not exist in this 21st century understanding of “The Great Spirit.” You are not guilty for living. Fear fades into the rear view mirror when appreciating this 21st century definition of God.
This pure energy expresses itself in you and allows you to express yourself through it. When you speak to “It”, it speaks through “you” with equal creative process. If you want to make yourself feel better by naming it “God” or “Divine Spirit”, well then, knock yourself out. Yes, its energy thrives through you and not separate from you. It is you and you are it.
It can be personal or non-personal as you choose to conceive it within your being. Is it good, bad or indifferent? It depends on your thinking, your creative ideas, your thrust within its energy field. Actually, you make “God” into whatever thoughts you conceive “it” to warrant.
Once you finish with your body, do you go off to some special place?
Does a whale, hummingbird or bug go off to some place called “heaven”? We humans don’t think so! Do you go to some special place? Just like other animals, you return to the Earth. You live, you die, you’re done, you’re dust. The “energy” that leaves your body and constituted your personality, I speculate, does not enjoy a “toe-tag” as it re-enters the universe.
The key: while you’re still breathing, enjoy yourself. Laugh, write, paint, run, walk, talk, eat, love and follow your heart’s desires toward limitless creative process. Since God expresses through you, when someone asks, “How are you doing today?” You might answer, “I am showing God a great time by riding my bicycle, loving my children, going camping, bowling or dancing….”
In the 21st century, we can forget “fearing” God or worshipping “it” as something beyond us. We may express its energy roaring through each cell in our bodies. At some point, this thesis may evolve into an even more profound definition of God for the 22nd century as we humans gain more knowledge.
In the end, Emerson said, “God laughs in flowers.”
If you’re laughing, God is laughing!
As for me, I discovered “The Great Spirit” in the burning embers of a campfire. As I gaze into glowing cinders, I see God looking back at me. She smiles at my face and I smile back. Together, we watch the shooting stars overhead with a big smile on our faces. Vaya con Dios~
Reply by Pastor Mike:
the name is appropriate, because you have grown cold to the truth about God and look into pagan religions for truth. Truth? Religions would be a great thing, if man were not involved. Men pervert, just as you have with this fictional writings....your diatribe reminds me of what Paul said in Romans:
1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
1:23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
YOu may go to church every Sunday, but my friend, you are no Christian with a belief system such as yours. You have learned nothing, or the denomination you adhere to has taught you nothing or believes nothing. You look into yourself to find a god, but God is a Spirit that is everywhere and to find God in you, you must invite Him in, in the Person of Jesus Christ. Point, there is no NEW definition of God for He has been the same since before time began, Malachi 3:6,
3:6 For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
God has revealed Himself in His Son, Jesus Christ, who was the Word, John 1:1-3
1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
1:2 The same was in the beginning with God.
1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
13:9 Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines.
You do not find God by being a world traveler and look at other religions and proclaim:
I will see how they practice their beliefs in their gods. God told us, as He told Israel,
12:30 Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou inquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise.
12:31 Thou shalt not do so unto the LORD thy God: for every abomination to the LORD, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods.
God will judge those who profane His name, or seek after strange gods who are not gods at all: Exodus 20:5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
Mr. Frosty W. , I fear for you soul. as you have intellectualized the existence of God and have become what I highlighted in Romans above. I mean no disrespect, but that is what God calls you.
Proverbs 1:29-31 Because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the LORD, they would have none of my counsel and despised all my reproof, therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way [they will go down to destruction] and be filled to the full with their own fancies.
I wrote a sermon that was entitled "Obedience by Faith". In it I said the following:
Those who have no fear of God and have no need for God, think they can do whatever they please, as they rely on themselves. Godly fear is a product of wisdom and those who do not fear God out of respect and reverence, God calls a fool. Psalms:
14:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
14:2 The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God.
14:3 They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one.
YOu may find that message here:
Also, the father of lies, Satan the devil, has clouded your mind with darkness to the truth and makes you think you are wise to conclude such foolishness to the destruction of your own soul. I encourage you to read about this evil person who has clouded your mind and know how he wishes to destroy you with your folly:
Will I change your mind? No, only God can do that through the Holy Spirit leading you into all truth. All I can do is plant a seed. If it grows to gain spiritual knowledge and truth, I give God the glory. If you resist and persist in your belief system, you will receive your just reward, separation from the God you profane. I will pray for your enlightenment to the truth and abandon this path you have chosen. Jesus said of folks like you in:
7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
John 3:16-17, For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but the world through HIM, might be saved.
Also, in John:
14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
14:7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.
There is no other way, no other god, no other path. No other religion leads to God Almighty, but through His Son.
May God impart you His wisdom to see the truth.
Pastor Mike
Rebuttal by Mr. Frosty W. :
Dear Mike,
Ah ha, you set yourself up as the judge and jury. First of all, I think the Bible is a book of myths and I discovered that fact by the age of 15. Once there, I searched for reasonable and sane understandings of God. You’re still stuck in your 2,000 year old lack of understanding and entry into myths. I have flown over you, but I don’t condemn you. It takes intellect and courage to discover what I have discovered, just like Galileo. I am a spiritual Galileo of the 21st century and you think you’re the pope. You ain’t dude!
At some time in history, humans will all evolve to my understandings and your myths will be uncovered and exposed. With 100 religions out there, yours ain’t the only one dude. Quit condemning everyone who believes other than and celebrate their own understandings. Really, the Bible is a cruel book with cruel things about the Jewish people. I am a Scandinavian by blood and have no need for such desert originated gods that mean nothing to those of us in the northlands.
Nonetheless, I wish you well on your journey.
Life and light,
My final appeal to Frosty:
no, I quoted the know that book you say is myth? It will be your judge and jury when the end of the age rolls around....coming to theater near you, to quote an old advertisement. But I fully expected no change of heart, but a quick rebuttal, which is fine. God calls whoever will listen. Problem is, some of you aren't listening. To you, the cross is foolishness, but to us who are called, it is the Power of God. Not many are called. God called the weak, the poor, the downtrodden and those of kings, the powerful, and the elite are not called. 1st Corinthians:
1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
1:19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.
1:20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?
1:21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.
YOu do not believe, and that is your right, but it will be your undoing. I can only preach what I have believed the Bible professes. You can either reject, or accept. But if the Holy Spirit is not calling you, or you will not hear, then how will you believe? Answer, you can't. All I can do is preach the Word. The rest if up to God. I do my part, He will do will have to decide what is truth, and what is a lie....Choose wisely, my friend, because your eternal destination is in the balance forever.
Pastor Mike
Dear Mr. Taylor, thank you for reading this email. My name is ***, I'm 38 I have a wife and two children. We're a Christian family. My wife grew up in a Church. I found Christ in prison when I was 18. I was reading in The Word of God and I think it was Paul but it said to pray that you be worthy to escape. Now I'm taking out of context because I can't remember the rest but I know he was talking about the tribulation and the rapture. Now Mr. Taylor I believe and know in my heart and confessed with my lips that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God and that Jesus died up on that Cross for my sins and everyone else's sin, and that Jesus Christ is Lord. And I know without a shadow of doubt that when I die I will be going to be with Jesus. But .... I'm a little rough around the edges. And for me to pray to God Almighty to be counted worthy to escape the tribulation , well I'd be lying and God knows it. I had prayed for that then I stopped. Because I didn't want Gods wraith on me, I have enough troubles as is. To be worthy would mean to be righteous and I'm about as righteous as a blue horned devil. Mr. Taylor I'm a type of man who likes to observe humanity but not to interrupt . And I've come to love those who have accepted Christ and work diligently to do Gods work and there's not very many of them. But when I seem em I recognize who they are and they are truly a beautiful sight as if looking at Jesus when He works. I consider those children of God to be righteous and for me to ask God to be counted among them would be a prayer unheard for sure. So my question I quests is : Will all believers be raptured, even a believer such as myself? Or will only the believers who are worthy be raptured? If the answer is yes to the 2nd question then how can I be counted worthy?
I've read other websites and some other pastors take on this and they believe that not all believers will be raptured but must go through the tribulation. Now I understand that the tribulation will be compared to hell on earth. And I've already decided that if I'm not counted worthy to be raptured up and since my wife and our children would be raptured and I'm here in this world alone I'm getting as far away from people as I can. But I gotta know what to prepare for? Thank You.
thank you for your email and greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who by His sacrifice made it possible to counted a worthy to those who accept His free offer of mercy and grace, through His sacrifice to be amongst the many who are viewed as His brother and sisters, in Him and in Him alone. But to your question, are you worthy? Not in yourself. None of us are. Not the most diligent of Christians doing good out of obedience can be counted as worthy of His love and grace. Ephesians,
2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
2:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
It is grace that saves us. Works are byproduct of that salvation, not because of it. When we stand before the Throne of God, the Father will see nothing but the righteousness of His Son, in us....our sins have been covered, we have been justified in His sight. Till that time, we live as obedient as we can to His Word and His playbook, our bible for life in the Spirit, not the flesh. We put away the fleshly desires, and live for God. Perfectly? Not hardly, but it's a lifelong struggle to do so. Paul struggled, Peter struggled, I struggle, you struggle, and we all struggle in this fleshly veil we call our bodies. IN the context of being counted worthy in the verse paraphrased, it was Jesus who said in Luke,
21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
We are to pray always, not on our knees particularly, but in meditation, our thoughts and desires of the things above, our heavenly home, not of this world, as it is fading away fast. Have our lights burning for the Gospel of Jesus Christ before men, and doing His will in our lives, as humanly possible. When we fail, as we will, we repent of that failure of the sin of the flesh, and fellowship with God is restored immediately. Praise Him, that He cares for us. David wrote in Psalms,
103:10 He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.
103:11 For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.
103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.
103:13 Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him.
103:14 For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.
If He rewarded us for our righteousness, we would all be doomed. But in His love and mercy, full of grace, God made a way for His creation to make it back to Him. As you believed on His only Begotten Son, He was the Way back to God. When Jesus comes for His own, those who look for His appearing, and are living for Him, His spirit found in them in their hearts and lives, then we who were pardoned WILL be going in the rapture of our Lord and Savior. Doesn't mean we deserve it, but grace (the undeserved mercy of one who doesn't earn it) will be applied, and you and your family will be counted amongst those saved by the worthiness of His Son, and only for that reason. Praise His name...God bless you, I'll see you before HIs throne worshiping at Jesus feet.
pastor Mike
Thank you Pastor Mike. I don't very many tears but your reply has brought me to my knees in tears like a baby. I do fear Our Heavenly Father and hold Him in Awe, because He is Awesome. I have been to a lot of places and met a lot of different people since I was a kid and I have found no one not one person or thing that makes me say they are Awesome. I look everyday for Jesus. I love Him so much and to know that every time I sin and rebel against Him I beat on my chest asking God why can't I beat this? I try to do my best to love and take care of my wife and kids, I follow the law, I stay away from other women, I stay away from beer and drugs. I'm trying. But in my daily thoughts I imagine myself doing more. But I fail during the day and left with : Troy you S.O.B. you could've done more. Like our dear brother Pastor Saeed who is in an Iranian prison. I prayed for him and I thought since he was on a hunger strike then ill fast and pray. But I failed. My Faith is so weak. Just like the Bible says : The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. I look forward to Jesus coming and I crawl on my hands and knees to Jesus as He sets upon His Throne and calls my name and fall face down at His feet telling Him how very very sorry I am and beg of Him to teach me every Word He has ever uttered so I can learn to be like Him. Thank you again Pastor Mike In Jesus.
Dear Brother Mike,
Hi, Greetings In The Name Of The Lord Jesus Christ! I wanted to take the time and thank you for putting me on your feed / newsletter / blog. I really appreciate it. Time is short. I keep looking at the Feast of Trumpets. Like you wrote in your one article and as I know from my own knowledge the Feast of Trumpets is the Feast whereas no one knows the day or hour of when it will start because of the new moon. If we step back and logically look at it the Lord will return F.O.T. followed immediately by Him Tabernacling with His Own People Israel Physically. The Passover is at the Midpoint or very near it and that is when the Great Tribulation really begins and Israel will be Supernaturally protected at Petra. Also since Achan took the Gold Silver and the Babylonian garment and his whole family was swallowed by the Earth I believe God will do just as He said in Revelation:
Revelation 12:16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.
I believe any coming after the Jews in Petra ( Jets, missiles, weapons, Troops ) will have the Earth open up on them and swallow them just as Achan was. I also believe that this Generation shall not pass until the Lords return could be 70 all the way up to 80 years minus 7 years so the latest we could reasonably expect is 80 - 7 = 73 years
1948 + 73 years = 2021 so I believe we will be Raptured some time before 2021. But everything right now looks like all is set in place to:
1. Collapse all economies.
2. Hatred for Christians and like for all other religions has already been given a significant boost.
3. The new Flu could prove severely devastating.
4. Many major countries are poised to let the other one have it.
5. The USA is set up to fall and the grab for all firearms is looking for a major catastrophe to push their agenda to the full and for them to be unrestrained in being able to do it.
6. The Feast Of Trumpets could POSSIBLY, NOT ABSOLUTELY be the one this year that has us check out on. The Lord said we wouldn't know the day or hour, but we would surely know the signs and the season.
7. Upon the Rapture these issues will surely allow the first 4 seals to go forward with ease and the man of the hour to ride in on his high horse to steal the show and get all who are not and will not be Christs to follow him.
8. And as the New Christians use their Bibles to show the world the book of Revelation and the book of Daniel are happening just as God said they would. And those who are already doomed eternally and hate God will hate hearing Christians speaking God's Word and thus The 5th seal will go forth with zeal because the world does not want to be reminded of its' sin.
My back is in so much pain and I have Alzheimers Mike as well as Diabetes I just want to go home. And I am convinced we are on the Raptures precipice. God Bless You. TTYL. YBIC Ronnie R.
Hi, Greetings In The Name Of The Lord Jesus Christ! I wanted to take the time and thank you for putting me on your feed / newsletter / blog. I really appreciate it. Time is short. I keep looking at the Feast of Trumpets. Like you wrote in your one article and as I know from my own knowledge the Feast of Trumpets is the Feast whereas no one knows the day or hour of when it will start because of the new moon. If we step back and logically look at it the Lord will return F.O.T. followed immediately by Him Tabernacling with His Own People Israel Physically. The Passover is at the Midpoint or very near it and that is when the Great Tribulation really begins and Israel will be Supernaturally protected at Petra. Also since Achan took the Gold Silver and the Babylonian garment and his whole family was swallowed by the Earth I believe God will do just as He said in Revelation:
Revelation 12:16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.
I believe any coming after the Jews in Petra ( Jets, missiles, weapons, Troops ) will have the Earth open up on them and swallow them just as Achan was. I also believe that this Generation shall not pass until the Lords return could be 70 all the way up to 80 years minus 7 years so the latest we could reasonably expect is 80 - 7 = 73 years
1948 + 73 years = 2021 so I believe we will be Raptured some time before 2021. But everything right now looks like all is set in place to:
1. Collapse all economies.
2. Hatred for Christians and like for all other religions has already been given a significant boost.
3. The new Flu could prove severely devastating.
4. Many major countries are poised to let the other one have it.
5. The USA is set up to fall and the grab for all firearms is looking for a major catastrophe to push their agenda to the full and for them to be unrestrained in being able to do it.
6. The Feast Of Trumpets could POSSIBLY, NOT ABSOLUTELY be the one this year that has us check out on. The Lord said we wouldn't know the day or hour, but we would surely know the signs and the season.
7. Upon the Rapture these issues will surely allow the first 4 seals to go forward with ease and the man of the hour to ride in on his high horse to steal the show and get all who are not and will not be Christs to follow him.
8. And as the New Christians use their Bibles to show the world the book of Revelation and the book of Daniel are happening just as God said they would. And those who are already doomed eternally and hate God will hate hearing Christians speaking God's Word and thus The 5th seal will go forth with zeal because the world does not want to be reminded of its' sin.
My back is in so much pain and I have Alzheimers Mike as well as Diabetes I just want to go home. And I am convinced we are on the Raptures precipice. God Bless You. TTYL. YBIC Ronnie R.
BEHIND BARS... "Burglar Bars"!
Dear Mike,
I am a South African who's eyes were opened to Revelation 17 & 18 back in 2001.
I believe our Lord to have inspired me to write a poem, I wish to share with you, as an ongoing encouragement for you!!
With great appreciation, having read your article "RISE OF THE ONE WORLD RELIGION",
In Christ
Mark Hoskings
BEHIND BARS... "Burglar Bars"! 29 January ’02 It's from Behind Bars, that I sit to write; With memories of Freedom, once such a delight! It's in fighting for freedom, that we've fought to protect; The very lifestyles we've built, become the enslaving Net! A Net that's so tight, ... and only getting tighter; In a search for Freedom, the "Machine's" now our Fighter! A Man-made-Monstrosity, ... we're Technologically Trapped; And that's the Machine, in which our World is now wrapped! A "Machine" sustained, by an ever-consuming "Flesh"; It's lusts & desires, ... the interlocking mesh! The World's @ War, and Terrorism our Foe; The Identity of which, ... just who may know? So here's the Solution, "Man's Greatness" will bring; "Let's track them all, so that none might spring"! The World-Wide-Web, now enshrines humankind; And mans' search for Grandeur, has left us "Blind"! "Just where are the Prophets?", we all might say; Oh yes they're there, but not allowed to sway! For in front to their heart, a "dagger" is kept; And behind a "Noose", the *"Tyler" holds checked! Society marches on a chequered floor, according to the Pace the "Lodge" dictates; The Gangplank's been long, but "The End" won’t wait! For in the "Signs of the Times", increasingly it's apparent; And God's Judgment awaits, each & every adherent! So where is this Freedom, each and everyone awaits; And just where in the World, is the Entrance to these Gates? It’s through Christ Jesus alone, the Future's guaranteed; For He's the Way, Truth & Life, & in Him alone are we to succeed! ... Amen! |
The Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:12 of the nature of the Spirit-War we’re fighting; and who’s behind it. Society today has fallen prey to it’s own ever-consuming Flesh-desire & need for Self-elevating sufficiency, yet these too are controlled by others. We read of the consequences of such decisions in 1 Jn 2:16,17. Man now stands alone as God; ... or so he believes! Through adulterated spirit-worship of the Living God - who happens to be a "Jealous God" (Exodus 20:5) - the world’s nowvoid of His True Moral Absolutes, ... or so again man believes. Man’s search for Grandeur has given rise to an Idolatrous Self-worship! For centuries we’ve worshipped & serviced Man’s Babylonian World creations (enthroning Man, whilst dethroning God); the Industrial & Commercial initiatives, Banks, and a Marketing-mania now prey upon the flesh of Mortal Man! We’ve built Educational Institutions, with the expressed desire of studying Man & his Co-operative Greatness. These very Institutions of Self-worship have and continue to enslave humanity; their Mechanisms abominating God’s Creation and fulfilling prophesied Scripture! We walk now in Days of Unchartered Territory, and no-longer can we rely on the Wisdom of Man! We need to know God as our Personal Lord & Saviour, and be asking Him as to"How now, shall we then Live?" Satan - that Master of Deception - has so cunningly infiltrated the very ranks of the so-called Church, that even now some of our leaders are to be classified "Blind Guides"! (Matt. 23; 2 Cor. 4:4-6) We now - a 2000 year-old New Testament Church - run the self-same risk as the Pharisees of Jesus’ day did; alluding to our Principled-Correctness void of His Holy Spirit (Matt. 23, Rom. 1:21,22; John 4:23, 24). Never before have the prophesied Signs-of-the-Age been so aligning, yet still we carry on with Pride & Arrogance! Do You have a personal relationship with the Living God, and are you asking Him as to what You should be doing...? ******* Just how Prepared are we for what lies ahead? ******* |
I have to agree with Pastor Mike, you already have shown me that you follow false teachers like Irving Baxter so it’s extremely possible that you have also bought into the deception of the Catholic Church. Can a Catholic be saved, sure, but most are not! Any religion that promotes working your way to Salvation is exactly the opposite of what Jesus teaches, so why on earth would He promote a religion mush less give birth to it, that does exactly the opposite of what He taught? Please read the following article from a former Catholic who now preaches the truth, prayerfully you will find it too!
Are Catholics Deceived? - Written by Mike Gendron. -
Deception will always be exposed by Truth. Have you ever realized that you could be deceived and not even be aware of it? Those who are deceived will never know it unless they are confronted with the truth. Many go to their grave deceived about the most important issue we all face, and that is, locating the narrow road that leads to eternal life. Who are you trusting to show you the way and the truth to eternal life? What is your source for truth? Is it absolutely trustworthy? Will it protect you from the schemes and lies of the master deceiver? The prophet Jeremiah gave us wise counsel for choosing whom we should trust. He said if you trust in man you will be cursed liked a bush in the parched places of the desert. But if you trust in God you will be blessed. You will be like a tree planted by water always bearing fruit, whose leaves are always green. No worries or fears will come upon you in a year of drought or when the heat comes (Jeremiah 17:5-8).
Who will you trust? Many people disregard Jeremiah's advice and put their trust in religious leaders. Catholics believe that the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church accurately teach what Jesus and His Word reveal. This can be a fatal mistake. Those who disregard the objective truth of the Bible and rely only on the subjective teachings of men leave themselves open to deception. We know God would never deceive anyone because He wants all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth (l Timothy 2:3). He gave us His Word so we could know, understand and believe the truth (John 17:17).
Would the Pope have a person believe what is not true? Maybe not intentionally, but what if he was deceived by previous popes who were also deceived? How do we know if any of the pope's teachings or dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church are true? The only way we can be 100% sure is to do as the Bereans did --- check everything with the Scriptures (Acts 17:11). If the apostle Paul's teaching had to be verified for its truthfulness, it stands to reason we must use the same standard for any religious leader. Unfortunately the elevation of tradition along with infallible teachings of popes to the same authority as Sacred Scripture has allowed deception to go unabated in the Roman Catholic Church. Popes and their teachings constantly change, whereas Jesus and His Word are constant and never change.
The Apostle Paul revealed the source of all deception, "The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons" (1 Tim. 4:1). You may be familiar with some common deceptions taught by religious leaders today: heaven is a reward for those who live good lives...water baptism is necessary for salvation...purgatory purges and removes sin...the sacrifice of the Mass can turn away God's wrath on sinners...God's grace can be earned and purchased. Satan has used lies like these to become the greatest "soul winner" in human history. For two thousand years, the master deceiver has perverted the Gospel of salvation by grace. His ferocious wolves, disguised in sheep's clothing, preach counterfeit gospels that seduce people who are ignorant of God's word (Matt. 7:15). A counterfeit Christianity is Satan's ultimate weapon, so he can, one day be worshipped as Christ. His worldwide religious system is taking shape and unfortunately it includes many people in our churches today.
All this should come as no surprise to those who know the Scriptures. For this scenario was revealed by Christ and the apostles as a warning of things to come. Jesus announced that right before His second coming the deception will be so convincing that even the elect might be deceived (Matt. 24:4,11,24). The deceit will come from false prophets, false teachers and false Christs, who will snare people from both inside and outside the church. Peter warned people of spiritual deception, "There will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies...and will bring the way of truth into disrepute" (2 Peter 2:1-2).
Satan uses deception to prevent people from being saved. God uses the truth to proclaim salvation to all who believe it. Man is either saved by believing God's truth (Ephesians 1:13) or condemned by believing Satan's lie. Satan blinds the minds of unbelievers by perverting God's truth through false religious systems (2 Corinthians 4:4). Any religion that teaches salvation is obtained through human effort and merit is nullifying the grace of God to its followers. We are saved by grace, "And if by grace, then it is no longer by works, if it were, grace would no longer be grace" (Romans 11:6).
The truth will set you free. How can we avoid falling prey to these subtle and scheming impostors? Our only defense is to experience the emancipating truth of Scripture (John 8:32). We must know and live the truth. All teaching must be filtered through God's Word. We are to use the Bible to lovingly correct and rebuke all teaching that contradicts God's inspired word (2 Tim. 3:16). The Scriptures must become our ultimate authority in all areas of our faith. We must cling to Jesus who came to testify to the truth (John 18:37) and who is the truth (John 14:6). We are to stand firm with the belt of truth buckled around our waists (Eph. 6:14). It is through living the truth that we are sanctified (John 17:17). Does the church where you worship submit to the truth of the Gospel? It is of vital importance to God that you worship Him in truth (John 4:24).
There are consequences for those who do not seek God's truth through His Word. Those people who blindly put their faith in religious leaders are most susceptible to deception. Many assume that religious leaders would never seduce anyone with a false plan of salvation. Yet Luke warned, "Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them" (Acts 20:30).
Other people choose not to let truth interfere with their lives. They turn away from it and listen to teachers who say what their itching ears want to hear (2 Tim. 4:2-4). Truth demands a response. The choice is to believe it and conform, or reject it and go our stubborn way.
There are people who are devoted to God, but do not know Him personally because religious leaders conceal the source and authority of truth. People who have been indoctrinated with false teaching have difficulty believing the truth. They are always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth (2 Tim. 3:7). Acknowledging the truth requires a "turning away" from all unbiblical doctrines.
It was a lack of faith in God's purpose, plan and word that separated Adam and Eve and their offspring from God. They chose to put their faith in the deceiver, which brought spiritual and physical death to us all. How divine for God to use the very instrument that separated us from Him--faith, to restore us back to Him. It is now through faith in God that we receive His gift of spiritual and eternal life (Ephesians 2:8).
The object of our faith determines who we are --- a child of the devil (John 8:43-45) or a child of God (John 1:12); how we live --- as slaves to sin, or slaves to righteousness (Romans 6:16-18); and how we will spend eternity --- under the wrath of God or in his loving presence (John 3:36). Faith in anyone other than Jesus, and in anything other than His Word will allow deception to creep into our lives. Those who follow the traditions, opinions and philosophies of men and reject Christ and His Word will be condemned on the last day (John 12:48). By contrast how wonderful are the words of Christ that those who believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).
Jesus and His Word teach...
•You are saved by faith and not by works (Ephesians 2:8-9).
•All who rely on observing the law (commandments) are under a curse (Galations 3:10).
•Salvation occurs at the moment you believe the Gospel (Ephesians 1:13).
•Jesus purifies sin (Hebrews 1:3).
•You can know for sure you are saved (1 John 5:13).
•The sacrifice of Jesus is finished (John 19:30).
The Pope and his church teach...
•You are saved by faith plus works.
•Obedience to the commandments is a condition for salvation.
•Salvation is a process from baptism through purgatory.
•Purgatory purifies sin.
•You are condemned if you claim to be saved.
•The sacrifice of Jesus continues in daily Mass.
•As you can see these two teachings directly oppose one another. You must make the choice as to which is true and which is deception. Your choice will determine your eternal destiny.
I have to agree with Pastor Mike, you already have shown me that you follow false teachers like Irving Baxter so it’s extremely possible that you have also bought into the deception of the Catholic Church. Can a Catholic be saved, sure, but most are not! Any religion that promotes working your way to Salvation is exactly the opposite of what Jesus teaches, so why on earth would He promote a religion mush less give birth to it, that does exactly the opposite of what He taught? Please read the following article from a former Catholic who now preaches the truth, prayerfully you will find it too!
Are Catholics Deceived? - Written by Mike Gendron. -
Deception will always be exposed by Truth. Have you ever realized that you could be deceived and not even be aware of it? Those who are deceived will never know it unless they are confronted with the truth. Many go to their grave deceived about the most important issue we all face, and that is, locating the narrow road that leads to eternal life. Who are you trusting to show you the way and the truth to eternal life? What is your source for truth? Is it absolutely trustworthy? Will it protect you from the schemes and lies of the master deceiver? The prophet Jeremiah gave us wise counsel for choosing whom we should trust. He said if you trust in man you will be cursed liked a bush in the parched places of the desert. But if you trust in God you will be blessed. You will be like a tree planted by water always bearing fruit, whose leaves are always green. No worries or fears will come upon you in a year of drought or when the heat comes (Jeremiah 17:5-8).
Who will you trust? Many people disregard Jeremiah's advice and put their trust in religious leaders. Catholics believe that the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church accurately teach what Jesus and His Word reveal. This can be a fatal mistake. Those who disregard the objective truth of the Bible and rely only on the subjective teachings of men leave themselves open to deception. We know God would never deceive anyone because He wants all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth (l Timothy 2:3). He gave us His Word so we could know, understand and believe the truth (John 17:17).
Would the Pope have a person believe what is not true? Maybe not intentionally, but what if he was deceived by previous popes who were also deceived? How do we know if any of the pope's teachings or dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church are true? The only way we can be 100% sure is to do as the Bereans did --- check everything with the Scriptures (Acts 17:11). If the apostle Paul's teaching had to be verified for its truthfulness, it stands to reason we must use the same standard for any religious leader. Unfortunately the elevation of tradition along with infallible teachings of popes to the same authority as Sacred Scripture has allowed deception to go unabated in the Roman Catholic Church. Popes and their teachings constantly change, whereas Jesus and His Word are constant and never change.
The Apostle Paul revealed the source of all deception, "The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons" (1 Tim. 4:1). You may be familiar with some common deceptions taught by religious leaders today: heaven is a reward for those who live good lives...water baptism is necessary for salvation...purgatory purges and removes sin...the sacrifice of the Mass can turn away God's wrath on sinners...God's grace can be earned and purchased. Satan has used lies like these to become the greatest "soul winner" in human history. For two thousand years, the master deceiver has perverted the Gospel of salvation by grace. His ferocious wolves, disguised in sheep's clothing, preach counterfeit gospels that seduce people who are ignorant of God's word (Matt. 7:15). A counterfeit Christianity is Satan's ultimate weapon, so he can, one day be worshipped as Christ. His worldwide religious system is taking shape and unfortunately it includes many people in our churches today.
All this should come as no surprise to those who know the Scriptures. For this scenario was revealed by Christ and the apostles as a warning of things to come. Jesus announced that right before His second coming the deception will be so convincing that even the elect might be deceived (Matt. 24:4,11,24). The deceit will come from false prophets, false teachers and false Christs, who will snare people from both inside and outside the church. Peter warned people of spiritual deception, "There will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies...and will bring the way of truth into disrepute" (2 Peter 2:1-2).
Satan uses deception to prevent people from being saved. God uses the truth to proclaim salvation to all who believe it. Man is either saved by believing God's truth (Ephesians 1:13) or condemned by believing Satan's lie. Satan blinds the minds of unbelievers by perverting God's truth through false religious systems (2 Corinthians 4:4). Any religion that teaches salvation is obtained through human effort and merit is nullifying the grace of God to its followers. We are saved by grace, "And if by grace, then it is no longer by works, if it were, grace would no longer be grace" (Romans 11:6).
The truth will set you free. How can we avoid falling prey to these subtle and scheming impostors? Our only defense is to experience the emancipating truth of Scripture (John 8:32). We must know and live the truth. All teaching must be filtered through God's Word. We are to use the Bible to lovingly correct and rebuke all teaching that contradicts God's inspired word (2 Tim. 3:16). The Scriptures must become our ultimate authority in all areas of our faith. We must cling to Jesus who came to testify to the truth (John 18:37) and who is the truth (John 14:6). We are to stand firm with the belt of truth buckled around our waists (Eph. 6:14). It is through living the truth that we are sanctified (John 17:17). Does the church where you worship submit to the truth of the Gospel? It is of vital importance to God that you worship Him in truth (John 4:24).
There are consequences for those who do not seek God's truth through His Word. Those people who blindly put their faith in religious leaders are most susceptible to deception. Many assume that religious leaders would never seduce anyone with a false plan of salvation. Yet Luke warned, "Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them" (Acts 20:30).
Other people choose not to let truth interfere with their lives. They turn away from it and listen to teachers who say what their itching ears want to hear (2 Tim. 4:2-4). Truth demands a response. The choice is to believe it and conform, or reject it and go our stubborn way.
There are people who are devoted to God, but do not know Him personally because religious leaders conceal the source and authority of truth. People who have been indoctrinated with false teaching have difficulty believing the truth. They are always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth (2 Tim. 3:7). Acknowledging the truth requires a "turning away" from all unbiblical doctrines.
It was a lack of faith in God's purpose, plan and word that separated Adam and Eve and their offspring from God. They chose to put their faith in the deceiver, which brought spiritual and physical death to us all. How divine for God to use the very instrument that separated us from Him--faith, to restore us back to Him. It is now through faith in God that we receive His gift of spiritual and eternal life (Ephesians 2:8).
The object of our faith determines who we are --- a child of the devil (John 8:43-45) or a child of God (John 1:12); how we live --- as slaves to sin, or slaves to righteousness (Romans 6:16-18); and how we will spend eternity --- under the wrath of God or in his loving presence (John 3:36). Faith in anyone other than Jesus, and in anything other than His Word will allow deception to creep into our lives. Those who follow the traditions, opinions and philosophies of men and reject Christ and His Word will be condemned on the last day (John 12:48). By contrast how wonderful are the words of Christ that those who believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).
Jesus and His Word teach...
•You are saved by faith and not by works (Ephesians 2:8-9).
•All who rely on observing the law (commandments) are under a curse (Galations 3:10).
•Salvation occurs at the moment you believe the Gospel (Ephesians 1:13).
•Jesus purifies sin (Hebrews 1:3).
•You can know for sure you are saved (1 John 5:13).
•The sacrifice of Jesus is finished (John 19:30).
The Pope and his church teach...
•You are saved by faith plus works.
•Obedience to the commandments is a condition for salvation.
•Salvation is a process from baptism through purgatory.
•Purgatory purifies sin.
•You are condemned if you claim to be saved.
•The sacrifice of Jesus continues in daily Mass.
•As you can see these two teachings directly oppose one another. You must make the choice as to which is true and which is deception. Your choice will determine your eternal destiny.
Enjoyed your latest and thought I'd share a few things with you. A friend once said to me: "you can be a good Christian and be catholic, but you can't be a good Catholic and be a Christian!" I'm afraid I'd have to agree with that statement. Sadly so many people are putting their faith in the idolatry of the Roman church for salvation instead of the Lord of Glory. They've been lied to for over a thousand years by men who have sought temporal power instead of spiritual, denying the very Christ who sends us to preach the Gospel! These anti-christs will pay for their misdeeds, I have no doubt in that respect, but I am truly sorry for the mass of innocents who have been misled by these wolves, particularly during the period when the written Word was unavailable to the people. Now, no one has an excuse. They can read the Word for themselves and see salvation lays solely through the Son of Man, not Mary, not a priest, not by praying to some saint, and certainly not by our works!
BTW, I don't know if you are aware of this, but among the "pope's" many titles is one I find extremely interesting. He is known, besides being the "Vicar of Christ, the Bishop of Rome, The Chief Prince of the Holy Roman Church, etc." as " The Holder to Key of the City of Babylon." (!!!) I find that most interesting, don't you?
God bless your endeavors, your brother in the Lord, LAW
Enjoyed your latest and thought I'd share a few things with you. A friend once said to me: "you can be a good Christian and be catholic, but you can't be a good Catholic and be a Christian!" I'm afraid I'd have to agree with that statement. Sadly so many people are putting their faith in the idolatry of the Roman church for salvation instead of the Lord of Glory. They've been lied to for over a thousand years by men who have sought temporal power instead of spiritual, denying the very Christ who sends us to preach the Gospel! These anti-christs will pay for their misdeeds, I have no doubt in that respect, but I am truly sorry for the mass of innocents who have been misled by these wolves, particularly during the period when the written Word was unavailable to the people. Now, no one has an excuse. They can read the Word for themselves and see salvation lays solely through the Son of Man, not Mary, not a priest, not by praying to some saint, and certainly not by our works!
BTW, I don't know if you are aware of this, but among the "pope's" many titles is one I find extremely interesting. He is known, besides being the "Vicar of Christ, the Bishop of Rome, The Chief Prince of the Holy Roman Church, etc." as " The Holder to Key of the City of Babylon." (!!!) I find that most interesting, don't you?
God bless your endeavors, your brother in the Lord, LAW
Dear Sir,
I have been reading your articles for the last 2 years through the internet-site rapture ready, and I think they are inspired by the love of Jesus Christ. I am a professing christian and I thank you for the blessings at the end of your articles and for the inspiration.
I would like to write to you a hypothesis which you might find interesting. It is related to your last article on rapture ready, regarding Mr.Obama. It's an explanation on Revelation 13, 18 on which I have been working since 2008.If you have time you can read my e-mail. You can use it as you wish, as far as I know it is mine.
I believe that my interpretation is very "improbable", as it is based on a mistake I made on my first calculation of the number of the beast. I still think it is worth reading it is a very interesting miscalculation. So if you find some free time, please read my e-mail. If not, it is OK.
So in November 2008, right after the American election, I translated the word Barak from Hebrew into Greek (it would be Αστραπή or Κεραυνός. Though the second appears as the translation of thunderbolt on the Babylon on-line dictionary, I believe that in the ancient Greek 'koine' there would be no difference. I happen to understand both modern and ancient Greek). I took the second word which would be pronounced as "keravnos'. Then I calculated the Ancient Greek numerical symbols, I saw what follows (it's easy to find the Greek numericals on wikipedia, or at the internet-site I am using the Greek numericals because the Revelation has been given to us in Greek koine.
Kappa κ=20
Ro, ρ=100
Alpha, α=1
Ypsilon, υ=400
Omikron,ο=70 equals 646.
The last letter ς I didn't calculate because 1)you do not need the last letter in Greek nouns, if it is an Accusative case, and 2) the letter Σ, sigma is confusing :it can both be the symbol σ=200 and the symbol ς=6 which is used to replace the symbol digamma in modern Greek. In today's Greek both σ and ς are forms of the same letter). I still needed a kappa, κ=20 to get to 666. I couldn't understand how the name Barak would be so close, a 646. So at first, I discarded this hypothesis as false.
After a few weeks an idea came to me. What if the 'wisdom' (in Revelation 13,18) and the 'brain' in the same verse is not a figure of speech (a repetition of the same notion), but means that the real name of this person hasn't been revealed yet, and will not be revealed until the final 42 months start? What if the same person still hasn't been inhabited by the spirit of Satan, and thinks he (the Antichrist) is doing good while doing bad? That he has given to the public a false name(his name being Soetero) just like he has given a false place of birth?
So I thought until the real name of Anti-Christ is revealed, what about using the Greek letter for 90, koppa, to replace the last letter omikron? It was very interesting. Though we still do not know the real name of the Antichrist (I do not know how to interpret Hussein or Obama or Soetero in Greek) the only letter of today's alphabets in use resembling a koppa is Q of the Roman Alphabet (this letter really comes from the greek letter koppa. Greeks took their alphabet from the Phoenecians who took it from the Jews). It is strange, but Q resembles the Greek letter omikron(ο) with a little sigma telikon(ς) on its base. Well if Satan wanted to confuse the "wise" or our "brains", I think he would be using the only three Greek Letter Numericals that have no equivalent in modern Greek that is digamma ( number 6, replaced in today's writing by ς), koppa (number 90) or sampi (number 900) to form the name of Antichrist. It would be impossible to find his name.
So this is just a hypothesis. You can use it if you want but I do not think it will be of any use before Obama makes the Jews and the Arabs sign an agreement and the Jews start building their Temple again. I pray that this is a sign that we are very close to the Second Coming of our Christ. I feel sorry for Barak Obama, because I love the American people and I think he doesn't realize the consequences of what he is doing. I believe the 'wise' of our time are the ones who have studied both Ancient Greek and Hebrew. That would be all who have studied Theology in the Universities of the West World. Still only our God reveals wisdom to the ones he has chosen.
What about the rapture? I believe the answer is given in Revelation ch.7 and Rev. 14, verse 1. Also in Revelation 8:1 and 19:10 about the people who prophesy for the rapture. Maybe the delay of the rapture, and the small number of the saints will be the reason why Satan will try to mislead the elect. This is another hypothesis of mine. It is evening here and I wish you a beautiful day in America. I really hope I am wrong about all this.
I have been reading your articles for the last 2 years through the internet-site rapture ready, and I think they are inspired by the love of Jesus Christ. I am a professing christian and I thank you for the blessings at the end of your articles and for the inspiration.
I would like to write to you a hypothesis which you might find interesting. It is related to your last article on rapture ready, regarding Mr.Obama. It's an explanation on Revelation 13, 18 on which I have been working since 2008.If you have time you can read my e-mail. You can use it as you wish, as far as I know it is mine.
I believe that my interpretation is very "improbable", as it is based on a mistake I made on my first calculation of the number of the beast. I still think it is worth reading it is a very interesting miscalculation. So if you find some free time, please read my e-mail. If not, it is OK.
So in November 2008, right after the American election, I translated the word Barak from Hebrew into Greek (it would be Αστραπή or Κεραυνός. Though the second appears as the translation of thunderbolt on the Babylon on-line dictionary, I believe that in the ancient Greek 'koine' there would be no difference. I happen to understand both modern and ancient Greek). I took the second word which would be pronounced as "keravnos'. Then I calculated the Ancient Greek numerical symbols, I saw what follows (it's easy to find the Greek numericals on wikipedia, or at the internet-site I am using the Greek numericals because the Revelation has been given to us in Greek koine.
Kappa κ=20
Ro, ρ=100
Alpha, α=1
Ypsilon, υ=400
Omikron,ο=70 equals 646.
The last letter ς I didn't calculate because 1)you do not need the last letter in Greek nouns, if it is an Accusative case, and 2) the letter Σ, sigma is confusing :it can both be the symbol σ=200 and the symbol ς=6 which is used to replace the symbol digamma in modern Greek. In today's Greek both σ and ς are forms of the same letter). I still needed a kappa, κ=20 to get to 666. I couldn't understand how the name Barak would be so close, a 646. So at first, I discarded this hypothesis as false.
After a few weeks an idea came to me. What if the 'wisdom' (in Revelation 13,18) and the 'brain' in the same verse is not a figure of speech (a repetition of the same notion), but means that the real name of this person hasn't been revealed yet, and will not be revealed until the final 42 months start? What if the same person still hasn't been inhabited by the spirit of Satan, and thinks he (the Antichrist) is doing good while doing bad? That he has given to the public a false name(his name being Soetero) just like he has given a false place of birth?
So I thought until the real name of Anti-Christ is revealed, what about using the Greek letter for 90, koppa, to replace the last letter omikron? It was very interesting. Though we still do not know the real name of the Antichrist (I do not know how to interpret Hussein or Obama or Soetero in Greek) the only letter of today's alphabets in use resembling a koppa is Q of the Roman Alphabet (this letter really comes from the greek letter koppa. Greeks took their alphabet from the Phoenecians who took it from the Jews). It is strange, but Q resembles the Greek letter omikron(ο) with a little sigma telikon(ς) on its base. Well if Satan wanted to confuse the "wise" or our "brains", I think he would be using the only three Greek Letter Numericals that have no equivalent in modern Greek that is digamma ( number 6, replaced in today's writing by ς), koppa (number 90) or sampi (number 900) to form the name of Antichrist. It would be impossible to find his name.
So this is just a hypothesis. You can use it if you want but I do not think it will be of any use before Obama makes the Jews and the Arabs sign an agreement and the Jews start building their Temple again. I pray that this is a sign that we are very close to the Second Coming of our Christ. I feel sorry for Barak Obama, because I love the American people and I think he doesn't realize the consequences of what he is doing. I believe the 'wise' of our time are the ones who have studied both Ancient Greek and Hebrew. That would be all who have studied Theology in the Universities of the West World. Still only our God reveals wisdom to the ones he has chosen.
What about the rapture? I believe the answer is given in Revelation ch.7 and Rev. 14, verse 1. Also in Revelation 8:1 and 19:10 about the people who prophesy for the rapture. Maybe the delay of the rapture, and the small number of the saints will be the reason why Satan will try to mislead the elect. This is another hypothesis of mine. It is evening here and I wish you a beautiful day in America. I really hope I am wrong about all this.
Hi Pastor Mike,
Your messages really bless me, who was called in 2004 to be a watchman on the wall – and I can say without a doubt – man things are really ratcheting up prophetically.
Here is one thing the Lord showed me in February which I feel has extreme significance:
In thinking on the coming of JESUS THE Messiah of Israel on the 10th of Nisan 2000 years ago with all of the scribes and Pharisees knowing the time and bearing witness of HIS coming and then rejecting HIM outright because he did not fit their image of what the MESSIAH’s background and heritage should be, and causing the Jewish nation to be saved up for the tribulation out of which a remnant will be saved.
Next month on the 10th of Nisan(20th March) BHO will come into Jerusalem and also in the token of a donkey, riding in on his political parties emblem (democratic party in US symbol is a donkey) to the acclaim of the Jewish peoples who will create a sculpture of him, give him honorary accolades as the savior of Israel from their Iranian enemies and lapping up the adoration as has been his custom.
satan always does a bad imitation as he cannot create on his own. I cannot help to wonder what events are going to transpire in the run-up to this event and what comes after it.
Just based on the satanic attacks on myself and my family this past month, I have a very bad feeling about this event (not on myself and the Doves but on the accelerating (en-tacheo) events leading up to our most glorious event) but on our unsaved ones and the lukewarm churches and pastors who are wondering about the Oscars and the next ball game.
Loving HIS appearing and looking up with expectancy
In the name above all names JESUS CHRIST MASCHIAGH NAGID
Jimmy L.
South Africa
Your messages really bless me, who was called in 2004 to be a watchman on the wall – and I can say without a doubt – man things are really ratcheting up prophetically.
Here is one thing the Lord showed me in February which I feel has extreme significance:
In thinking on the coming of JESUS THE Messiah of Israel on the 10th of Nisan 2000 years ago with all of the scribes and Pharisees knowing the time and bearing witness of HIS coming and then rejecting HIM outright because he did not fit their image of what the MESSIAH’s background and heritage should be, and causing the Jewish nation to be saved up for the tribulation out of which a remnant will be saved.
Next month on the 10th of Nisan(20th March) BHO will come into Jerusalem and also in the token of a donkey, riding in on his political parties emblem (democratic party in US symbol is a donkey) to the acclaim of the Jewish peoples who will create a sculpture of him, give him honorary accolades as the savior of Israel from their Iranian enemies and lapping up the adoration as has been his custom.
satan always does a bad imitation as he cannot create on his own. I cannot help to wonder what events are going to transpire in the run-up to this event and what comes after it.
Just based on the satanic attacks on myself and my family this past month, I have a very bad feeling about this event (not on myself and the Doves but on the accelerating (en-tacheo) events leading up to our most glorious event) but on our unsaved ones and the lukewarm churches and pastors who are wondering about the Oscars and the next ball game.
Loving HIS appearing and looking up with expectancy
In the name above all names JESUS CHRIST MASCHIAGH NAGID
Jimmy L.
South Africa
Dear Pastor Mike,
Thank you again for your very insightful articles, I can't tell you how much I look forward to them.
I know you get lot's of questions so I don't want to take up much of your time.
In regards to your last article about the possible last pope. Lot's to chew on, great insight!
One quick question, since there a lot of things that could be prophetic or coincidence (I think prophetic), what do you think about lightening striking the St. Basilica tower right after pope resigning, coincidence or a sign for God?
Thanks again for your wonderful ministry.
Thank you again for your very insightful articles, I can't tell you how much I look forward to them.
I know you get lot's of questions so I don't want to take up much of your time.
In regards to your last article about the possible last pope. Lot's to chew on, great insight!
One quick question, since there a lot of things that could be prophetic or coincidence (I think prophetic), what do you think about lightening striking the St. Basilica tower right after pope resigning, coincidence or a sign for God?
Thanks again for your wonderful ministry.
Hi Mike.
You've done your homework, that's for sure! I pretty much agree with
your take on this current situation. Within a week or so, I imagine
we'll certainly know more.
The tendency of Roman Catholicism to accept the doctrine of men over
that of God and its history of accepting at face value mystical
experiences such as the so-called apparitions of Jesus, Mary, and other
saints already makes it especially vulnerable to the magic of the
Antichrist and his false prophet. It's existing infrastructure and
worldwide each make it a choice plum that Satan will certainly like to
have in his corner,
The real significance of these times is, as I see it, the convergence
of so many and varied signs. The astronomical events you've mentioned
may be part of it and I'm keeping an open mind. Interestingly, there is
a new comet visible now and another one which may become spectacular by
the end of the year. All this after a big meteorite exploding over
Russia, too. Jesus said there would be signs in the moon, sun, and stars
so these all bear observation.
Regarding the sun, in a year when solar activity was supposed to be
extreme, the sun has been amazingly quiet. It may sound strange but
sometimes by NOT seeing something happen can be significant - as if God
is actively holding it back.
This, I think also applies to the following:
1) A complete financial collapse of the U.S. economy. With the kind of
debt we have and the fact that our currency is really based on NOTHING,
I expected this to happen years ago. Same thing for Europe, though we've
seen individual nations in big trouble..
2) An all-out Middle East war, Why this tinderbox hasn't already gone up
amazes me.
3) A major quake in the U.S. For the past decade seismic activity has
been way up worldwide. We've been pretty much spared so far.
I suspect God is restraining these things until he gets his people "out
of Dodge." There are biblical parallels of this in such accounts as
those of Noah, Lot, and Moses.
I, too, think we are in for a very busy time from here on out.
Keep looking up!
God bless.
You've done your homework, that's for sure! I pretty much agree with
your take on this current situation. Within a week or so, I imagine
we'll certainly know more.
The tendency of Roman Catholicism to accept the doctrine of men over
that of God and its history of accepting at face value mystical
experiences such as the so-called apparitions of Jesus, Mary, and other
saints already makes it especially vulnerable to the magic of the
Antichrist and his false prophet. It's existing infrastructure and
worldwide each make it a choice plum that Satan will certainly like to
have in his corner,
The real significance of these times is, as I see it, the convergence
of so many and varied signs. The astronomical events you've mentioned
may be part of it and I'm keeping an open mind. Interestingly, there is
a new comet visible now and another one which may become spectacular by
the end of the year. All this after a big meteorite exploding over
Russia, too. Jesus said there would be signs in the moon, sun, and stars
so these all bear observation.
Regarding the sun, in a year when solar activity was supposed to be
extreme, the sun has been amazingly quiet. It may sound strange but
sometimes by NOT seeing something happen can be significant - as if God
is actively holding it back.
This, I think also applies to the following:
1) A complete financial collapse of the U.S. economy. With the kind of
debt we have and the fact that our currency is really based on NOTHING,
I expected this to happen years ago. Same thing for Europe, though we've
seen individual nations in big trouble..
2) An all-out Middle East war, Why this tinderbox hasn't already gone up
amazes me.
3) A major quake in the U.S. For the past decade seismic activity has
been way up worldwide. We've been pretty much spared so far.
I suspect God is restraining these things until he gets his people "out
of Dodge." There are biblical parallels of this in such accounts as
those of Noah, Lot, and Moses.
I, too, think we are in for a very busy time from here on out.
Keep looking up!
God bless.
please be careful when addressing the Catholic Church. The Church is perfect but the humans running it are not.
If you were part of a Church that go's back as far as the Catholic's have, you would have many power hungry, human flawed stories to hear about, as well,... maybe.
The humans running the Catholic Church are and always has been a target for attack from the devil. Where else would IT start to discredit and inflect doubt of Jesus? Just saying.
On another note, this whole Pope things is all about the cover up of the third secret of Fatima.
If you are reading Horns book, please reread the part where he writes about Fatima. Whatever the meaning is of that vision the humans running the Catholic Church do not want it known. We are about to or are living that secret imo (in my opinion).
You see the signs from your vantage point, I see them as well from my vantage point. We need to warn because it is happening.
God bless you and God help us all. Keep up the good work.
Chuck,unfortunately, the church is NOT perfect. I believe it will house the coming False Prophet, and has shown itself to be a den of thieves, no matter who is running the show....sorry, this is not the Church Jesus spoke about...The church is an organism of all believers who have the Holy Spirit residing in their IS NOT a building, or a denominatin. To say that is rampant blasphemy. .I am amazed that people would call the beliefs that are traditions of men hanging all over the Gospel message and hold fast to them, as believing they cannot fail. They have failed untold amount of times. . The Catholic church does some fine social programs, and I applaud it for that, but all else is suspect and anti-Christ....Have you read Petrus Romanus? If you haven't then you need to study the history of this church. How can God be involved in blasphemy? I think not....I hope this doesn't make you mad, but I do hope it opens your eyes to the starry eyed notion of Catholic infallibility....God bless,
Pastor Mike
Hello Mike Taylor,
I have been doing some research into the countdown to the Tribulation and I came across your website, I am thankful to you and others like you that have published this information to assist others. I am a born-again Christian that once attended a wonderful God following church in St. Louis, MO. But now I am living in Italy with my Italian husband and not attending church. I still love God and follow his ways, but to be honest I feel that my light has gone out. I am not doing anything for the Lord, as I was in America. I am not Catholic and do not want to attend a Catholic church. I was hoping you could pray for me for God's guidance into what I can do for Him here in Italy and pray please that my lamp burns more brightly, as brightly as it has ever burned.
I thank you and pray God blesses you and your ministry.
Your sister in Christ,
greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Living in Italy must feel like you are living at the doorstep of prophecy, as the new pope is to be elected next week. Will he be the last pope? I'm reading "Petrus Romanus, Peter the Roman, right now and it seems biblical prophecy is lining up and pointing to something evil coming our way. Some feel it may be so....we shall stay watchful with a wait and see attitude.
On your condition of unable to find a church, except a Roman Catholic one in Italy, I feel your pain. But serving the Lord and worshiping Him does not need a building to meet God in worship. Yes, we are told not to forsake the assembling of ourselves, but if there is no place to assemble, then we must come to God by ourselves, or join with like minded people in a home church, where two or three are gathered in His name. God gives us opportunities to serve Him on a one to one basis.
Witnessing to the lost and dying world around us is an everyday opportunity, probably more so in Italy, as many rely on the 'church" to save them than rely on God, and our Lord Jesus Christ, sadly. Note that the internet is your window to the world outside of your location. Start a blog, write articles of testimony to submit to religious sites who support the biblical teachings handed down by our Lord and His apostles. Create your own website and jockey for position on Google for other people to find you and read your testimony. How much will our seeds we plant on the world wide web will produce a harvest is unknown to each of us, until the Bema Judgement seat of Christ. The Holy Spirit will take our efforts and multiply them to His glory, and we will receive a reward for our efforts. We are commanded to preach the Word to all the world in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, We may not be able to physically baptize them, but we can put the Word into their hearts and minds. I will mention your condition and desire to please God in my prayers that God will lead you mightily in a way to reach out to others the Gospel message, as time grows short to the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ for His church...Maranatha,
God bless
Pastor Mike
Hello, Pastor Taylor
I wanted to thank you so much for the immense contribution you made to my understanding of the Rapture with your articles on the blood moons and No Man Knoweth the Day or Hour.
Here, in summary, is what I understand so far, but please let me know if there is any error in what I have interpreted from your work in conjunction with another pre-trib article. Also, I was factoring in the little boy's account of what he witnessed while in Heaven back in 2003 from the book Heaven Is For Real. In it, he tells his dad of a coming big war where he witnesses Jesus, the angels, and the men (including his dad) fight Satan, the "monsters" (demons), and bad people. Somehow, he was experiencing visions of past, present, and future while in Heaven. In this future vision of the big war, he tells his dad that the women and children got to watch and that his dad fought with a sword. He says that he got to watch as one of the children. This little boy just turned 13 this past May 19, 2012 and will be turning 14 this year. He will not be a child much longer, and this vision must be the one of Jesus's return to earth to cleanse and reign. All this to say that the Rapture could even happen this year taking this into consideration. Here is the summary of what I understood from your articles:
Hi, Wendy
Yes, I just recently finished that article as well along with this pastor's article prior to the Blood Moon entitled No Man Knoweth the Day or Hour. It is amazing how he put this together knowing Hebrew tradition and scripture. Scripture tells us that Noah did not know the exact time at first, but as he neared completion of the Ark over a great span of time, God then told him close to the end that it would be 7 days and then the floods would come for 40 days and nights. It appears that this is happening right now as these men of God who study scripture are able to see God's timing, that God is revealing this to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see.
The last blood moon tetrad is 2016 and then the Lord will appear some time after this with His army of raptured men and angels to take out the evil in this world. The tribulation has to last 7 years (Daniel's 70th "week" or the last 7 years of Israel's timetable), but the first 3 and a half years is relatively peaceful because the deceived have accepted the AntiChrist's peace treaty. Then toward the middle of this, the second half of blood and mayhem will begin as the AntiChrist shows his true colors. It wouldn't work to say Christ returns to earth a year after 2016, because if you count back 7 years, this would take us back to 2010.
If you read the article No Man Knoweth the Day or Hour, you will see how this pastor has connected special Feast Days with special events for Israel. It is uncanny how the last blood moon tetrad occurred when Israel became a nation in 1948 and then reclaimed Jerusalem during the Six Day War back in 1967. These events also concur with the Feast of the Passover and Feast of Tabernacles. He also clarifies what the terms "first trump", "last trump", and "great trump" refer to. In Jewish tradition, the first trumpet is associated with the Feast of Pentacost (when the Holy Spirit came down to earth), the last trumpet with Rosh Hashanah or Feast of the Trumpets, which occurs in the Fall, heralding a time of glory and joy for His church, and the great trump associated with the Feast of Atonement or Yom Kippur which will herald the return of Jesus back to earth to reign and rule. In between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are the days God judges mankind (the Tribulation) according to Hebrew tradition. Factored into all of this is the generation of Israel completing in 2017 or 2018 (70 years or a generation after their rebirth in 1948) referring to the scripture Matthew 24:34. Let's say, Christ returns with His army soon after this. What is the earliest date we would have to count back 7 years from (after 2018) that would not include this year of 2013 since the AntiChrist has not arrived yet (and we are still here)? All of the signs in the heavens would have occurred (BTW there is a comet coming to possibly collide with Mars in October 2014 according to a recent article in The Extinction Protocol).
As you can see, I am sharing this information with others and do not want to say anything that goes against scripture.
Thank you again!
to God be all the glory and honor, power and might. May He be willing to reveal more to those who are studying scripture and keeping their hearts and minds close to the Father. We must be looking steadfastly for the signs to line up, as the age grows closer to it's climax. We use these signs to warn others of the imminent return of our Lord and Savior...when? We are not told, but given seasons and signs. These signs will get more and more frequent as the warnings grow louder and louder. If Jesus should get the call from the Father to "Go get my children", then I believe, it will be on a Feast Day of Trumpets...what year? We don't know, but if 2016 Feast day comes and goes, we continue in our watch, as the timing is all God, and only in His power.
I believe that as the day grows closer, based on prior information found in our bibles, that God has used His messengers to alert all who will listen, to get their houses swept, their lives in order, and their election sure that Jesus Christ is Lord of their life and found in their heart and lives. We are children of the light, not of darkness, as that day will NOT catch us unawares as it will so many people living for the fleshly pleasures. Until then, we stay faithful and true to the very end. I pray that all who read these sermons give heed to their warnings and make that decision for Jesus Christ, today, as tomorrow, may be too late. WE are not given tomorrow, only today. Thank you for your encouragement and I pray that you will continue spreading the knowledge of the connection between biblical prophecy, feast days, and the signs for the coming of King of Kings, and Lord of Lords....God bless you,
Pastor Mike Taylor____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Greeting pastor Mike -
First let me say that I really appreciated your last articles on the Blood moons. It has answered some questions I had. I am 67 years old and have been a Christian forever it seems, at least since I was a young boy. I have been a student/teacher of Bible prophecy for many years. I find it exciting to watch how things are really accellerating in the world. Yet I am also worried a bit at the same time. I am finding more and more that many people (including those in the Christian community) do NOT want to hear about this. Most seem to want to simply go on living their lives as they are, and sadly, even my own wife. Several years ago while on our way to church one Sunday I mentioned how close I felt we were to His coming. She whirled on me and said, "well, I heard that ALL my life and it ain't happened yet." I was startled, but replied to her that she had just fulfilled Bible prophecy. She didn't like that much. She is one of those who goes to church, but no longer reads the Word. Doesn't want to discuss anything having to do with the Bible anymore. When we were first married she loved to go to church, read the WOrd, etc, but things have changed. Seems like she only wants the "fire insurance." What do I do ?
I was lying on my bed studying in the Bible as I do most nights, when a couple of years ago I was reading in Matthew and read Matt 7:13-14 as I have many times, but this time it was as if the Lord stopped me and said, "Read the last seven words again." (and few there be that find it) So I did and it was then that it hit me. It was like He spoke and said, "Do you realize just how few people are going to make it into My heaven?" I had never really thought of it that way. I have been praying for His direction since we retired over a year ago, but its been very quiet upstairs.
I am just finishing a good book by the late Grant Jeffrey entitled, "One Nation, Under Attack." In it he portrays a scenario of a United States that succombs to the wiles of a scheming president who is selling us down the river and trying to take down our country. Is it no wonder there is no mention of the United States anywhere in bible prophecy in the last days.
I will have a lot of questions to ask our Lord when I get there (As is it will really matter by then). I have been praying a lot too along the lines of prayer for healing and as to WHY we don't see the healings that Jesus and His disciple did. I truly believe in John 14:12 "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.” OK, If this is true, and I believe it is, then why don't we see the miracles happening ? Didn't Jesus also say that "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you." I have a cousin who is several years older than me, but when he was a teenager he ran with the wrong croud and got into a car accident which cost him much of the use of his arms and legs (a semi-quadraplegic today), but ... he LOVES THE LORD with all his heart. I have been praying for his healing for years now, but without any results. He is in much pain daily.
Well, I appreciate your ministry. You have touched me. Now what do I do with this knowledge I have ?
Mr. Al S.
God bless you brother, in the name of the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. You have described the conditions we face in this country, where it is even in our own home. Rememberthe Bible said it would be so. Micah,
7:6 For the son dishonoureth the father, the daughter riseth up against her mother, the daughter in law against her mother in law; a man's enemies are the men of his own house.Note that each of are responsible to no one but God for ourselves. Philippians ,
2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
Unfortunately, some get weary of this world and succumb to it's wicked ways and just get tired of fighting. I'm not saying your wife has given up, but she is responsible, as you are, for her own salvation. All you can do is be a light to her, and pray for her. She will open up to you, if the Lord lead her. As you pointed out to her,Jesus said in Luke,
12:45 But and if that servant say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; and shall begin to beat the menservants and maidens, and to eat and drink, and to be drunken;
12:46 The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers.
Of course, this means going back into the world and living like it...loosing heart and becoming vulnerable to the demon influence to give up..We can't do that, as that is the time we need it most when the going gets burdensome. Then is when we must cast our cares upon Him...We can't go it alone. 1st Peter,
5:6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:
5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
Now is the time to become a prayer warrior to bring to play the power of God, even into your own home. Be prepared in all seasons II Timothy,
4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
It is all around us, but it tells us that the time is very close. Do all that you can to reach others for Jesus Christ, but don't be surprised if they will not receive is the signs of the times. As Jesus rightly said in the parable of the King calling those to His wedding supper, Matthew,
22:14 For many are called, but few are chosen.
Be strong in the Lord and let no one take thy crown, Revelation,
3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
3:11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
God bless you,
Pastor Mike
First let me say that I really appreciated your last articles on the Blood moons. It has answered some questions I had. I am 67 years old and have been a Christian forever it seems, at least since I was a young boy. I have been a student/teacher of Bible prophecy for many years. I find it exciting to watch how things are really accellerating in the world. Yet I am also worried a bit at the same time. I am finding more and more that many people (including those in the Christian community) do NOT want to hear about this. Most seem to want to simply go on living their lives as they are, and sadly, even my own wife. Several years ago while on our way to church one Sunday I mentioned how close I felt we were to His coming. She whirled on me and said, "well, I heard that ALL my life and it ain't happened yet." I was startled, but replied to her that she had just fulfilled Bible prophecy. She didn't like that much. She is one of those who goes to church, but no longer reads the Word. Doesn't want to discuss anything having to do with the Bible anymore. When we were first married she loved to go to church, read the WOrd, etc, but things have changed. Seems like she only wants the "fire insurance." What do I do ?
I was lying on my bed studying in the Bible as I do most nights, when a couple of years ago I was reading in Matthew and read Matt 7:13-14 as I have many times, but this time it was as if the Lord stopped me and said, "Read the last seven words again." (and few there be that find it) So I did and it was then that it hit me. It was like He spoke and said, "Do you realize just how few people are going to make it into My heaven?" I had never really thought of it that way. I have been praying for His direction since we retired over a year ago, but its been very quiet upstairs.
I am just finishing a good book by the late Grant Jeffrey entitled, "One Nation, Under Attack." In it he portrays a scenario of a United States that succombs to the wiles of a scheming president who is selling us down the river and trying to take down our country. Is it no wonder there is no mention of the United States anywhere in bible prophecy in the last days.
I will have a lot of questions to ask our Lord when I get there (As is it will really matter by then). I have been praying a lot too along the lines of prayer for healing and as to WHY we don't see the healings that Jesus and His disciple did. I truly believe in John 14:12 "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.” OK, If this is true, and I believe it is, then why don't we see the miracles happening ? Didn't Jesus also say that "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you." I have a cousin who is several years older than me, but when he was a teenager he ran with the wrong croud and got into a car accident which cost him much of the use of his arms and legs (a semi-quadraplegic today), but ... he LOVES THE LORD with all his heart. I have been praying for his healing for years now, but without any results. He is in much pain daily.
Well, I appreciate your ministry. You have touched me. Now what do I do with this knowledge I have ?
Mr. Al S.
God bless you brother, in the name of the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. You have described the conditions we face in this country, where it is even in our own home. Rememberthe Bible said it would be so. Micah,
7:6 For the son dishonoureth the father, the daughter riseth up against her mother, the daughter in law against her mother in law; a man's enemies are the men of his own house.Note that each of are responsible to no one but God for ourselves. Philippians ,
2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
Unfortunately, some get weary of this world and succumb to it's wicked ways and just get tired of fighting. I'm not saying your wife has given up, but she is responsible, as you are, for her own salvation. All you can do is be a light to her, and pray for her. She will open up to you, if the Lord lead her. As you pointed out to her,Jesus said in Luke,
12:45 But and if that servant say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; and shall begin to beat the menservants and maidens, and to eat and drink, and to be drunken;
12:46 The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers.
Of course, this means going back into the world and living like it...loosing heart and becoming vulnerable to the demon influence to give up..We can't do that, as that is the time we need it most when the going gets burdensome. Then is when we must cast our cares upon Him...We can't go it alone. 1st Peter,
5:6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:
5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
Now is the time to become a prayer warrior to bring to play the power of God, even into your own home. Be prepared in all seasons II Timothy,
4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
It is all around us, but it tells us that the time is very close. Do all that you can to reach others for Jesus Christ, but don't be surprised if they will not receive is the signs of the times. As Jesus rightly said in the parable of the King calling those to His wedding supper, Matthew,
22:14 For many are called, but few are chosen.
Be strong in the Lord and let no one take thy crown, Revelation,
3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
3:11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
God bless you,
Pastor Mike
What a great site you have! You have answered so many of my
questions. I will surely bookmark this site, continue reading and
understanding and look forward to all new articles.
Have a Great Day!!!! Tom S
questions. I will surely bookmark this site, continue reading and
understanding and look forward to all new articles.
Have a Great Day!!!! Tom S
Dear Brother Mike,
Hi, greetings in the Name Of The Lord Jesus Christ! I really liked your 2 articles, and I agree with them. Christians have become sooooo dogmatic with their "No one knows the day or hour" that they even refuse to look at the "Feast of Trumpets" I mean come on Mike what do they think the Lord made that day so they can eat chocolate trumpets with tea and crumpets after He returns? It's like no one wants to hear it, and I am sure you have been barraged after posting your articles. We know from Genesis and Pharoahs dreams that God will give a dual sign of events about to happen, and will have it confirmed by His Prophets / People. This sign is to let Israel know He will soon pass them over and then will come to Tabernacle with them Forever! One thing though and I hope you will let me know your thoughts on this. I am convinced the Rapture will happen before the Tribulation begins by even a few years maybe. We have to be out of the way to allow certain events to unfold and to have Israel standing alone Based on the Tetrads I feel we may again may Go this F.O.T.. This would allow the events of Isaiah 17 and Psalms 83 to happen and then the lead up to Ezekial 38 /39. The Ezekial event has Israel burning the weapons 7 years so that means it must happen just before the Tribulation starts which we all know is caused by fulfillment of Daniel 9:27 or confirming the covenant. I believe our Rapture is what will trigger the Isaiah 17 and Psalms 83 war. When Russia sees their failures and realize Israel is either depleted of it's munitions, or just about and very war weary or something of the sort then the battle of Ezekial 38 will commence. And for what ever the reason Israel will not be able to use it's weapons against the invading horde and when they think all is lost God's Hand will intervene and not just Israel but the whole world will see and KNOW there is a God and He is God of The Jews, and that the Bible is His True Word. The Truth Be known about the Rapture it will happen on F.O.T., just as the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost it will depart basically with us, not that it will be really gone but will be the first time in History it will no longer restrain man's conscience making that time the most vilest of all human history. I would like your thoughts about us being gone to Heaven for more than 7 years. I just don't see us being Raptured and at the Same time Daniel 9:27 happen. I think a few more years are in order and I believe that will be our Bema seat time followed by our 7 Years of wedded Heavenly bliss. No matter when the Rapture happens, it will be soon, real soon! But I am like you it will be on F.O.T.. It is also very probable that when Christ spoke in Matthew Chapter 24 they were coming up on F.O.T., making it even more clearer to the ones He was speaking to He was referring to F.O.T.. Love to hear from you. God Bless You! YBIC,
Ron R.
Hi, greetings in the Name Of The Lord Jesus Christ! I really liked your 2 articles, and I agree with them. Christians have become sooooo dogmatic with their "No one knows the day or hour" that they even refuse to look at the "Feast of Trumpets" I mean come on Mike what do they think the Lord made that day so they can eat chocolate trumpets with tea and crumpets after He returns? It's like no one wants to hear it, and I am sure you have been barraged after posting your articles. We know from Genesis and Pharoahs dreams that God will give a dual sign of events about to happen, and will have it confirmed by His Prophets / People. This sign is to let Israel know He will soon pass them over and then will come to Tabernacle with them Forever! One thing though and I hope you will let me know your thoughts on this. I am convinced the Rapture will happen before the Tribulation begins by even a few years maybe. We have to be out of the way to allow certain events to unfold and to have Israel standing alone Based on the Tetrads I feel we may again may Go this F.O.T.. This would allow the events of Isaiah 17 and Psalms 83 to happen and then the lead up to Ezekial 38 /39. The Ezekial event has Israel burning the weapons 7 years so that means it must happen just before the Tribulation starts which we all know is caused by fulfillment of Daniel 9:27 or confirming the covenant. I believe our Rapture is what will trigger the Isaiah 17 and Psalms 83 war. When Russia sees their failures and realize Israel is either depleted of it's munitions, or just about and very war weary or something of the sort then the battle of Ezekial 38 will commence. And for what ever the reason Israel will not be able to use it's weapons against the invading horde and when they think all is lost God's Hand will intervene and not just Israel but the whole world will see and KNOW there is a God and He is God of The Jews, and that the Bible is His True Word. The Truth Be known about the Rapture it will happen on F.O.T., just as the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost it will depart basically with us, not that it will be really gone but will be the first time in History it will no longer restrain man's conscience making that time the most vilest of all human history. I would like your thoughts about us being gone to Heaven for more than 7 years. I just don't see us being Raptured and at the Same time Daniel 9:27 happen. I think a few more years are in order and I believe that will be our Bema seat time followed by our 7 Years of wedded Heavenly bliss. No matter when the Rapture happens, it will be soon, real soon! But I am like you it will be on F.O.T.. It is also very probable that when Christ spoke in Matthew Chapter 24 they were coming up on F.O.T., making it even more clearer to the ones He was speaking to He was referring to F.O.T.. Love to hear from you. God Bless You! YBIC,
Ron R.
I am struggling with all of the things that I am learning because No one wants to hear what I have to say. I know many significant things are happening in our country and around the world. I know that the microchip is to begin being implanted in March of 2013. I know that many signs of scripture are being fulfilled but my family and especially my husband do not want to hear it.
I have been trying to tell them what I think is going to happen to the economy and that the New world order is advancing their directives. My husband gets angry with me and tells me that I am wrong, That I am a conspiracy theorist. I have no one whom I can talk to about this.
I feel compelled to warn my Christian friends but it is not a popular subject. Am I alone? Should I stop warning people? What should people do when thy are to be micro-chipped? I sent a text to my pastors wife who does not speak on her cell phone and I get no response. What should the Pastors be doing to ready their congregation of what is to come?
Please help me to be the best servant watchman that I can be.
Pastor Taylor,
I read your essay as titled in the subject field of this email on Rapture Ready. I will re-read it, probably again and again and use it as a study guide as you suggest. But I am confused about whether you are talking about the return of the Lord in glory or the Rapture timing. Can you elaborate? Thank you.
the return of Christ for His church at Trumpets....the second advent is at Atonement, which is 10 days later on the Jewish can get a better understanding by reading the follow up sermon here:
God bless,
Pastor Mike
Brother Mike
Thank you for "turning a light on" for me. In your recent article, No Man Knoweth The Day Or Hour, you said:
Yom Teruah is the only festival that no man knows when exactly it will occur. This isdue to the fact that it begins on the new moon. The new moon was sanctified when two witnesses see the new moon and attest to it before the Sanhedrin in the Temple.This sanctification could happen during either of two days, depending on when the witnesses come. Since no one knew when the witnesses would come, no one knew when the Feast of Trumpets would start.
Hmmmm, two witnesses......Hey, the two witnesses in Revelation. I never made that connection before or really knew what they were witnessing? They will witness the beginning of the trib period possiblly starting on a Yom Teruah of an unknown year. I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Thank you Mike.
Sincerely, your friend,
Thank you for "turning a light on" for me. In your recent article, No Man Knoweth The Day Or Hour, you said:
Yom Teruah is the only festival that no man knows when exactly it will occur. This isdue to the fact that it begins on the new moon. The new moon was sanctified when two witnesses see the new moon and attest to it before the Sanhedrin in the Temple.This sanctification could happen during either of two days, depending on when the witnesses come. Since no one knew when the witnesses would come, no one knew when the Feast of Trumpets would start.
Hmmmm, two witnesses......Hey, the two witnesses in Revelation. I never made that connection before or really knew what they were witnessing? They will witness the beginning of the trib period possiblly starting on a Yom Teruah of an unknown year. I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Thank you Mike.
Sincerely, your friend,
Good evening, pastor,
I liked your new sermon. A couple of things jump out that I would like to
mention. Israel became a nation and then the tetrad. Israel won the war
and then the tetrad. Why would the sequence change, now? Also, in Joel,
I read the the passage and it does not say these things would happen 4
times before the great and dreadful day.
I think it was a bad thing for Camping and others to predict a day for the
Rapture of the church. I would like you to just ponder about stating conclusively
that the Lord can not or will not come back in 2014 or 2015. The Great and
Dreadful Day to me is the second coming. We do not know how much time
there is between the rapture and the antichrist coming to power or the set up
of his kingdom. Please, keep thinking of the rapture as imminent. I believe the
Lord could come any day especially this fall. Write me back any time, I always
look forward to your sermons.
Brother Ron
Jesus could come back at any moment, but the point of the sermon, is that God MAY be giving us clues to the timing of His return. Not necessarily the day, but the season, just as He told Noah in Genesis that in 7 days He would destroy the earth. God can do whatever He wishes concerning fulfilling His Word. We just have to keep watch and these exciting times prove that signs are being produced that may herald that coming event......We cannot predict, but we can have confidence that God's Word does not lie.....and when He says these signs must be fulfilled, BEFORE the Day of the Lord, I believe Him. That is what the study was about..
God bless
Pastor Mike
I liked your new sermon. A couple of things jump out that I would like to
mention. Israel became a nation and then the tetrad. Israel won the war
and then the tetrad. Why would the sequence change, now? Also, in Joel,
I read the the passage and it does not say these things would happen 4
times before the great and dreadful day.
I think it was a bad thing for Camping and others to predict a day for the
Rapture of the church. I would like you to just ponder about stating conclusively
that the Lord can not or will not come back in 2014 or 2015. The Great and
Dreadful Day to me is the second coming. We do not know how much time
there is between the rapture and the antichrist coming to power or the set up
of his kingdom. Please, keep thinking of the rapture as imminent. I believe the
Lord could come any day especially this fall. Write me back any time, I always
look forward to your sermons.
Brother Ron
Jesus could come back at any moment, but the point of the sermon, is that God MAY be giving us clues to the timing of His return. Not necessarily the day, but the season, just as He told Noah in Genesis that in 7 days He would destroy the earth. God can do whatever He wishes concerning fulfilling His Word. We just have to keep watch and these exciting times prove that signs are being produced that may herald that coming event......We cannot predict, but we can have confidence that God's Word does not lie.....and when He says these signs must be fulfilled, BEFORE the Day of the Lord, I believe Him. That is what the study was about..
God bless
Pastor Mike
Dear Sir,
I am truly blessed by your wisdom and knowledge of the Word'
I hope you can answer this if you have the time?
How do I make sure my 'house' is in order? How do I meet the Lord in the air and not be ashamed?
Thank you and bless you and yours,
Hi Mike Taylor,
Great article on the feasts and the blood moons coming, I totally agree it is significant. One of the biggest problems with the Church today is they completely got away from there Jewish roots. In Ezekiel 22:26, the L-rd is showing Ezekiel why He is taking His Glory away from the temple. They don't follow my Torah, the call common which is Holy and Holy which is common, the don't distinguish between clean and unclean and they don't keep my Sabbath. I submit to you the Church today is in the same condition. If the L-rd is the same yesterday, today, and forever, why does the Church say we are no longer under the Law when Yeshua (Jesus) said in Mathew 5:17-20 I didn't come to do away with Moses & the prophets, but fulfill. The word in Greek means fully teach. The feasts of the L-rd are His feasts not Jewish feasts only and they are Holy, but the Church doesn't celebrate them they do easter and christmas, two very pagan holidays. The Church thinks all you have to do is bless a ham sandwich and it's clean. Pork is unhealthy, it's a health issue. Man changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday not G-d.
I say all of this because the Church needs to embrace what they have been grafted into not distance themselves from there Jewish roots. Your right the L-rd fulfilled His first coming in the spring feasts and His second coming will be fulfilled in the fall feasts. Anyway forgive me for ranting, once I get started.
Great article on the feasts and the blood moons coming, I totally agree it is significant. One of the biggest problems with the Church today is they completely got away from there Jewish roots. In Ezekiel 22:26, the L-rd is showing Ezekiel why He is taking His Glory away from the temple. They don't follow my Torah, the call common which is Holy and Holy which is common, the don't distinguish between clean and unclean and they don't keep my Sabbath. I submit to you the Church today is in the same condition. If the L-rd is the same yesterday, today, and forever, why does the Church say we are no longer under the Law when Yeshua (Jesus) said in Mathew 5:17-20 I didn't come to do away with Moses & the prophets, but fulfill. The word in Greek means fully teach. The feasts of the L-rd are His feasts not Jewish feasts only and they are Holy, but the Church doesn't celebrate them they do easter and christmas, two very pagan holidays. The Church thinks all you have to do is bless a ham sandwich and it's clean. Pork is unhealthy, it's a health issue. Man changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday not G-d.
I say all of this because the Church needs to embrace what they have been grafted into not distance themselves from there Jewish roots. Your right the L-rd fulfilled His first coming in the spring feasts and His second coming will be fulfilled in the fall feasts. Anyway forgive me for ranting, once I get started.
Mr. Taylor,
I found these two great videos on youtube about the rapture and thought you would appreciate what is presented. Please watch them when you get a chance and let me know what you think. I am not one to be sensationalist but the the implications are incredible and the facts/arguments compelling. Hope you agree :).
Video 1
Video 2
In Christ,Josh
I found these two great videos on youtube about the rapture and thought you would appreciate what is presented. Please watch them when you get a chance and let me know what you think. I am not one to be sensationalist but the the implications are incredible and the facts/arguments compelling. Hope you agree :).
Video 1
Video 2
In Christ,Josh
Hello Pastor Taylor. I have thoroughly enjoyed your two articles. I am 37 and have believed since I became a true Christian about 8 years ago that Jesus would come back in my lifetime. I believed this before I even fully understood what it meant. People think I'm nuts, but that's OK. I am looking forward to receiving the crown of righteousness!
I came to my own simplified conclusion that the end would be around 2018 due the the times of the generation. However, this is where I am confused just a little and I'm not sure that your articles covered this (or I just missed it!).
Don't we still need 7 years for the tribulation to be fulfilled? That puts the beginning of it in 2011 and the midpoint in 2014 right? Your articles are talking of the actual 2nd Coming correct? When Jesus physically comes back to earth? If so, then what of the rapture? I believe you spoke of being a Pre-Trib pastor. I lean that way myself, but are you saying we are now in the beginning of the Tribulation?
I hope you can answer this without taking too much of your time.
Thank you for all of your articles. You are one of my favorites on RR and I've been reading the site for probably almost 10 years.
--Melissa P.
I came to my own simplified conclusion that the end would be around 2018 due the the times of the generation. However, this is where I am confused just a little and I'm not sure that your articles covered this (or I just missed it!).
Don't we still need 7 years for the tribulation to be fulfilled? That puts the beginning of it in 2011 and the midpoint in 2014 right? Your articles are talking of the actual 2nd Coming correct? When Jesus physically comes back to earth? If so, then what of the rapture? I believe you spoke of being a Pre-Trib pastor. I lean that way myself, but are you saying we are now in the beginning of the Tribulation?
I hope you can answer this without taking too much of your time.
Thank you for all of your articles. You are one of my favorites on RR and I've been reading the site for probably almost 10 years.
--Melissa P.
Dear Pastor Mike,
Thank you so much for your teaching on the end times we live in. I look forward to each of your e-mail sermons with great delight. What a great teaching on the solar and lunar ecilpes.
Your teaching as it lines up with scripture to scripture is right on. I do as you ask and search the scriptures my self as directed by the Holy Spirit.
You don't know me but please know your a great blessing to me, I look forward to meeting you soon, in the sky at the feet Jesus.
In the meantime please keep up your wonderful minisrty rooted in the truth, the life and the way.
Blessings, Blessings,
Thank you for your essay The Blood Moon Rising - Day of the Lord.
It was a fantastic read for me. It has taken me in a whole new direction in my study of the Metonic cycles and the Fall Feasts.
I have been delving into the scripture and reflecting on what you have presented.
I would like to share one simple observation. Regarding the Blood Moon Tetrads that fall on the Feast of Tabernacles on 2014.
The final seven years of this age will have 1260 days + 1290 days for a total 2550 days. This translates to a 86 moon Metonic cycle which just happens to fit exactly between the first two of the Fall Feasts from 2014 to 2021. The next time this Metoic cycle repeats itself is in 2017 to 2024.
Starting at 2014 Rosh Hashanah, AKA Feast of Trumpets Tishrei 1 and adding the 7 year , 86 moon time span we come to day 2550 or Tishrei 10, Yom Kippur aka the Day of Atonement.
Thank you for your essay The Blood Moon Rising - Day of the Lord.
It was a fantastic read for me. It has taken me in a whole new direction in my study of the Metonic cycles and the Fall Feasts.
I have been delving into the scripture and reflecting on what you have presented.
I would like to share one simple observation. Regarding the Blood Moon Tetrads that fall on the Feast of Tabernacles on 2014.
The final seven years of this age will have 1260 days + 1290 days for a total 2550 days. This translates to a 86 moon Metonic cycle which just happens to fit exactly between the first two of the Fall Feasts from 2014 to 2021. The next time this Metoic cycle repeats itself is in 2017 to 2024.
Starting at 2014 Rosh Hashanah, AKA Feast of Trumpets Tishrei 1 and adding the 7 year , 86 moon time span we come to day 2550 or Tishrei 10, Yom Kippur aka the Day of Atonement.
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