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1. We believe in ONE SUPREME BEING, who some call Yahweh, but is addressed by Jesus Christ as Father. God is spirit, supreme in authority over all the universe, and the supreme creator of all living things, visible and invisible. God is the only source of life, and without Him, there is no life.

2. We believe in Jesus Christ, born of a virgin according to scripture, and being the only begotten Son of God. That Jesus lived a sinless life on this earth and became our example of living according to the Father's will.

3. We believe in the Holy Spirit, which is the power of Almighty God and through His Spirit all things were created, by Him and for Him. He is omnipresent, omniscient, and embodies all the attributes of love, joy, peace, justice, and righteousness of the God head.

4. We believe that the scriptures include the Old and the New Testament and are God's revelation of His will concerning man. We accept only the Bible or "Sola Scriptura" as the only authority in this life and the next. Any other document that takes away or adds to the whole of the Bible or contradicts it, is false and must be discarded.

5. We believe that there is an evil spirit being, called Satan, who once was an arch angel until pride entered into his heart and God cast Him out and stripped him of his position, and now is the Prince and power of the air and has dominion over this world, until Jesus Christ returns to take possession of this world, by paying the price for it's redemption on Calvary. We believe that God has allowed him for a definite "week" of seven thousand-year days -- the first six of which are his six working days for his labor of deception, leading the children of Adam into rejection of God's law and therefore rebellion against God -- the seventh thousand-year day of which will be the DAY OF THE LORD (the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God), during which Satan will be forced to rest from his work of deception while Christ rules the nations of the earth. Satan's power is merely to influence and lead, not to force men arbitrarily against their will. He has ruled by deception with the aid of a host of demons, which are rebellious angels, spirit beings, who have followed Satan in his rebellion.

6. WE believe that man was created in the image of God and was made mortal from the dust of the earth. Man is subject to corruption and decay and will return to dust at the end of this life. He has no eternal life alone by himself, but through the gift of God's Son paying for his sins on an old rugged cross, he has been given a free gift of eternal life through God the Son's payment of shedding His own blood for remission of those sins. We believe the bible when it's says "that all have sinned and have come short of the glory of  God." We were born into a sinful world and by nature take on it's sinful ways. We believe the Law of God defines that sin and that man is unable to keep the law by himself, independent of God and must pay the penalty for transgressing that law, which is eternal death.

7. We fully believe God's Word  when in John 3:16-17, "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting (eternal)  life. God sent not His Son into the world, to condemn the world, but the world through Him might be saved." We believe that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, and no man comes to God the Father, but through Him, and Him alone. There is no alternative way, and no amount of being a good person will allow you to stand in a Holy God's presence

8. We believe that Jesus Christ lived on this earth, a sinless life, was falsely accused by His brethren, beaten, abused, and nailed to a horrible instrument of Roman torture, known as the cross. We believe that He died, was buried in a rich mans' tomb, and was raised to life, exactly 72 hours, or three days and three nights from His death. He nows sits at the right hand of the Father in heaven, waiting to redeem what was bought and paid for, His creation, by His sacrifice. Jesus is now our High Priest and our Advocate to the Father.

9. We believe that all "who call on the name of the Lord" in true repentence and make confession with their mouth and believes in their heart that Jesus Christ lived, died, and rose again and ask God's Holy Spirit, in the person of Jesus Christ, to enter into their heart and lives, are changed by GRACE and not of works, "lest any man should boast. It is the gift of God" We believe that all who are truly called and receive Jesus Christ enter into a covenant with Him and begin the journey of taking on the image of Christ through the guidance and teaching of the Holy Spirit and His infallible Word, your Bible. At the moment a person ask Jesus to come into the heart and life, a deposit of the Holy Spirit, actually lives and resides with your spirit, untill the return of Jesus Christ and the redemption of your soul, changing you into a spirit being.  We believe that a forgiven sinner, must follow Jesus Christ example in water baptism, which is complete submersion depicting the death and resurrection of our Lord, just as He did when John the Baptist baptized Him. We become a new creature in Christ dedicated to good works, by the power of the Holy Spirit who resides in the heart.

10 We believe that from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, the seventh day of the week is the Sabbath of the Lord our God. On this day we must rest from our labors following the commands and example of the apostle Paul, the New Testament Church, and Jesus.

11 We believe the seven Annual Holy days as given to ancient Israel by God through Moses, kept by Christ, the Apostle Paul, and the New Testament Church, as evidenced by the books of Acts and Corinthians, are to be kept today. The sacrifices, which were added, are not to be kept on those days nor any other day of the year. During the spring festival of seven days, leavening in any form is not to be eaten, as Paul instructed the Corinthians.
12. We believe the Church is merely that body of believers who have, and are being led by the Holy Spirit; that the true Church of God is not a denomination; that the inspired name for this spiritual organism is "THE CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD;" that the Bible name for each local assembly is "THE CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD," and, considered collectively, "The Churches of  Almighty God;" that the mission of the Church in this time is to preach the Gospel (Good News) of the coming KINGDOM OF GOD, into all nations as a witness, reaching the vast multitudes with power and conviction; to reconcile to God, and to save, through Christ, such people as are now called; and to minister to the Churches of the Living God, strengthening and edifying the brethren in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, wherever they may be found.

13. WE believe that unrepentant mankind will be judged and condemned apart from the saving grace of Jesus Christ our Lord, and that the final penalty will be separation from God and eternal death. We believe the Bible is plain when it's speaks of Lake of Fire and that all who do not confess Jesus Christ as their savior will receive the only payment for their rebellion, being cast into that Lake to be separated from God and tormented with a lack of hope, escape, no light with totally darness, no love, no joy, nothing that comes from the Father in Heaven will be experienced by these rebellious souls. That in itself is torment, being in darkness forever and having lost all hope of escape for eternity. We do NOT believe that men in this judgment passed upon them to be cast into the Lake of Fire, and be destroyed, or annihilated as the Jehovah Witness believe or the World Wide Church of God, or it's affiliates, but believe the bible is plain that God is a God of judgment and a consuming fire. All who go to this place that was reserved for Satan and his angels do so by choice and reject the only payment for sin found in all of history, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. No other payment will allow mankind into God's Holy presence, so God gives them what they choose, removal for eternity from His presence.

14. We believe in the personal, visible, imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ to rule the nations of earth as King of Kings, and to continue His priestly office as Lord of Lords; that at that time He will sit upon the throne of David restoring all things during a thousand year reign upon earth and establish the KINGDOM OF GOD upon earth forever.  We believe that God will remove His chosen people, the Church, out of the way when His wrath is released on this earth during what is called the tribulation, and the Great Tribulation. We believe our bible when it says, that "we are not appointed to wrath, but to salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord." We believe that God gave us the examples of  Lot being removed from Sodom and Gomorrah, Noah being saved from wrath of God's judgment on this earth via the flood, the Israelites being spared God's wrath by the striking of lamb's blood on the post and lintels of the doors to keep the death angel from killing their first born, and many other examples that shows that God plans to unleash His wrath on this earth, but God's church is not part of that wrath. There is not one example where God's people have been the focus of His wrath found in the bible. It is His character to remove His people out of the way. See Isaiah 26:19-22, compare that with II Thessalonians 4:14-18. Then look at John 14:2 "in my Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you, And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself: that where I AM, there YOU may be also." Jesus said that He was coming to take us to where He is, not coming to be where we are. Jesus is not here on earth, but is with the Father, as we will be when He returns to remove His church, prior to the outpouring of His wrath on this earth...so come Lord Jesus.

15. We believe that Israel is the key to end time events, and to watch Israel will give you a good sense of where we are on the prophecy calendar. We believe that Israel is the door, and Jerusalem is the key, to end time events. We will be adding news clips to show how Israel is God's time clock for His imminent return.

16. ADDENDOM: Since having a denominational name gives Satan something to attack and many Christians have the tendency to judge truth by denomination rather than the Word of God, we have chosen not to reveal denomination. This decision was made with much prayer and ultimately so this ministry could be more effective in spreading truth to the world. The following scriptures inform us of what truth is and how it should be established and it is not by one’s denomination. John 14:6 “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way and the TRUTH…” John 17:17 “Sanctify them through your Truth: your WORD is TRUTH.” 1 Thessalonians 2:13 “…when you received the Word of God which you heard of us, you received it not as the word of men, but as it is in TRUTH, the Word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.”

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